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Testing Lunar Landing and Surface Sampling Technologies Suborbitally


  • Kris Zacny, Ph.D., Vice President of Exploration Systems, Honeybee Robotics
  • Luke Sanasarian, Engineering Lead, Honeybee Robotics
  • Reuben Garcia, Director of Technical Operations, Masten Space Systems

March 2, 2022


Testing on vertical takeoff vertical landing (VTVL) rocket systems like Masten’s Xodiac can help validate technologies for lunar landings, as well as surface sampling innovations and other tools needed for planetary surfaces. Join Dr. Kris Zacny of Honeybee Robotics to hear his experience testing the company’s lunar sampling technology PlanetVac on this unique platform. Masten’s Reuben Garcia will highlight best practices that researchers should keep in mind when planning for tests on Masten’s VTVL vehicles and when approaching suborbital flight testing in general. This webinar will be of particular interest to researchers applying to the NASA TechLeap Prize.

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