NASA e-Books
Read and download free NASA e-Books on the agency’s history, aeronautics research, science missions, and the International Space Station.
Reshaping Our Cosmic View
"Reshaping the Cosmos: Hubble Science Highlights" showcases some of the Hubble Space Telescope's ground-breaking discoveries over more than three decades of observations.
Overview about Reshaping Our Cosmic View
NASA History

50 Years of Solar System Exploration: Historical Perspectives

Archaeology, Anthropology, and Interstellar Communication

Celebrating 30 Years of the Space Shuttle Program

Cosmos and Culture: Cultural Evolution in a Cosmic Context

Emblems of Exploration

Going Beyond: The Space Exploration Initiative and the Challenges of Organizational Change at NASA

Governing the Moon: A History

Historical Analogs for the Stimulation of Space Commerce

A History of Near-Earth Objects Research

Hubble: An Overview of the Space Telescope

Making the Invisible Visible: A History of the Spitzer Infrared Telescope Facility (1971–2003)

NACA to NASA to Now: The Frontiers of Air and Space in the American Century

NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center’s Contributions to the Space Shuttle Program

NASA at 50: Interviews with NASA's Senior Leadership

NASA’s First 50 Years: Historical Perspectives

NASA’S Discovery Program: The First Twenty Years of Competitive Planetary Exploration

Not Yet Imagined: A Study of Hubble Space Telescope Operations

Origins of 21st-Century Space Travel: A History of NASA’s Decadal Planning Team and the Vision for Space Exploration, 1999–2004

Psychology of Space Exploration: Contemporary Research in Historical Perspective

Pursuit of Power: NASA’s Propulsion Systems Laboratory No. 1 and 2

Rockets and People: A Four-Volume Memoir

Science Advice to NASA: Conflict, Consensus, Partnership, Leadership

Toward a History of the Space Shuttle: An Annotated Bibliography, published by NASA in December 1992

Walking to Olympus: An EVA Chronology, 1997–2011, Volume 2

A Wartime Necessity: The NACA and Other National Aeronautical Research Organizations' Efforts at Innovation During World War II

When Biospheres Collide: A History of NASA’s Planetary Protection Programs

The Wind and Beyond: A Documentary Journey into the History of Aerodynamics in America

The Apollo of Aeronautics: NASA’s Aircraft Energy Efficiency Program, 1973-1987

Breaking the Mishap Chain: Human Factors Lessons Learned from Aerospace Accidents and Incidents in Research, Flight Test, and Development

Cave of the Winds: The Remarkable History of the Langley Full-Scale Wind Tunnel

Coming Home: Reentry and Recovery from Space

Crash Course: Lessons Learned from Accidents Involving Remotely Piloted and Autonomous Aircraft

Dressing for Altitude, U.S. Aviation Pressure Suits-Wiley Post to Space Shuttle

Elegance in Flight: A comprehensive History of the F-16XL Experimental Prototype

Flying Beyond the Stall: The X-31 and the Advent of Supermaneuverability

Modeling Flight: The Role of Dynamically Scaled Free-Flight Models in Support of NASA's Aerospace Programs

NASA’s Contributions to Aeronautics, Volume 1

NASA’s Contributions to Aeronautics, Volume 2

A New Twist in Flight Research: The F-18 Active Aeroelastic Wing Project

Probing the Sky: Selected NACA Research Airplanes and Their Contributions to Flight

Unlimited Horizons: Design and Development of the U-2

Quieting the Boom: The Shaped Sonic Boom Demonstrator and the Quest for Quiet Supersonic Flight

Sweeping Forward: Developing and Flight Testing the Grumman X-29A Forward Swept Wing Research Aircraft

Thinking Obliquely: Robert T. Jones, the Oblique Wing, NASA’s AD-1 Demonstrator, and its Legacy

X-15: Extending the Frontiers of Flight

X-15 Research Results
Space Station Researcher's Guides

Acceleration Environment

Cellular Biology

Combustion Science

Earth Observations

Fluid Physics

Fruit Fly Research


Human Research

Macromolecular Crystal Growth

Microbial Research

Microgravity Materials Research

Plant Science

Rodent Research

Space Environmental Effects