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Next Gen STEM For Educators

Find Next Gen STEM learning opportunities for students in multiple settings – in school, afterschool programs informal institutions like museums and science centers, and at home.

Two adults performing a small arts and crafts project over a table.

Explore STEM Resources and Opportunities for K-12 Educators

Spark student curiosity using a variety of lesson plans and hands-on experiments that teach STEM concepts. Through these sustained engagement experiences with authentic content, hands-on inquiry-based experiences, and partner-driven collaborations, students will be engaged in NASA mission activities and provide contributions to NASA’s work.

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Read With NASA: Books, More to Inspire Young Explorers

Stories open up new worlds and spark curiosity in readers of all ages – and NASA is using the power…

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Resource Collections To Teach STEM Topics

Explore lesson plans and activities for grades K-12. To modify the collection, use the facets provided on the search results page.

Artist illustration of the X-59 in flight over water and land.

Aeronautics and Flight

Discover how NASA’s technological breakthroughs of today transforms tomorrow’s future with aeronautics. Explore STEM resources that focus on cutting-edge aeronautics content that will encourage our future explorers to take a deep dive into the world of a new generation of flight.

A picture of Earth from space, focused on North America

Earth Science

NASA uses a fleet of satellites, instruments on board the International Space Station (ISS) and ambitious airborne and ground-based observation monitor the vital signs of Earth. Discover resources to help K-12 students learn about Earth and climate science missions, connect with the ISS and its crew, and learn new ways to contribute to NASA’s Missions.

Image of the moon

Earth's Moon

K-12 lessons and activities that help students understand NASA’s Artemis missions to the Moon. From launch to splashdown, anyone can learn about the ground, transportation, exploration, and communication systems NASA plans to use to make a return of a human presence near and on the Moon possible.

Near-surface air temperature, October 1999

Earth and Climate

From Space, sky, sea and land, NASA provides detailed climate data and research to the world. Engage your students in K-12 lessons and multimedia resources related to weather and climate.

On Jan. 4, 2011, the Hinode satellite viewed an annular solar eclipse.


NASA studies solar eclipses on the ground, in our atmosphere, and in space, influencing solar and Earth science. Engage students and explore curated K-12 lessons and activities.

An Artistic rendition of the planets in the solar system lined up behind the Earth.

Solar System and Beyond

Discover engaging hands on student activities and educator resources to help K-12 students learn more about how NASA is uncovering new worlds, stars and cosmic mysteries, near and far with our powerful fleet of space and ground-based missions.

A picture of a female astronaut on the International Space Station with a large droplet of water in front of her face.

STEM on Station

Have you ever wondered what kind of STEM activities occur on the International Space Station? Follow astronauts as they demonstrate STEM concepts such as Newton’s Laws of Motion, surface tension, advances in technology and more.

The international Hinode solar-observing satellite captured the transit of Mercury as it passed between Earth and the Sun on Nov. 11, 2019.


Scientist at NASA study heliophysics or the physics of the Sun and its connection with the solar system. Engage students and explore our very own star with curated K-12 lessons and activities.

In-Flight Education Downlinks

In-flight education downlinks allow students and educators to interact with astronauts onboard the International Space Station. These opportunities are available to both formal and informal U.S.-based education organizations. The proposal period for In-Flight Education Downlinks Expedition 73 is open. Three virtual question-and-answer sessions will be offered throughout the proposal period. Submission Deadline: Oct. 29, 2024.

Learn More and Apply about In-Flight Education Downlinks