Follow Us!
Find official NASA social media accounts and follow us on our mission of exploration and discovery.
These accounts represent NASA on social media and follow the agency’s policies and guidelines.
Find the ones that match your interests and begin exploring!
These accounts offer the broadest of the agency’s most important information.
- Dailymotion: NASA
- Facebook: NASA
- Flickr: NASA HQ Photo
- Giphy: @nasa
- Instagram: NASA
- LinkedIn: NASA
- Pinterest: @nasa
- Reddit: u/nasa
- Snapchat: NASA
- Soundcloud: NASA
- Spotify: nasaspotify
- Tumblr: NASA
- Twitch: NASA
- X: @nasa
- YouTube: @NASA
NASA en Español
Cuentas oficiales de la NASA en español.
- X: @NASA_es
- Facebook: NASA en español
- YouTube: NASA en Español
- Instagram: @nasa_es
NASA Centers & Facilities
These accounts offer news and updates from NASA research centers and facilities across the country.
Ames Research Center | Moffett Field, California
- Facebook: NASA Ames Research Center
- Instagram: @nasaames
- X: @NASAAmes
- YouTube: NASA’s Ames Research Center
Armstrong Flight Research Center | Edwards, California
- Facebook: NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center
- Instagram: @nasaarmstrong
- X: @NASAArmstrong
- YouTube: NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center
Glenn Research Center | Cleveland, Ohio
- Facebook: NASA’s Glenn Research Center
- Flickr: NASA Glenn Research Center
- Instagram: @nasaglenn
- X: @NASAglenn
- YouTube: NASA Glenn Research Center
Goddard Space Flight Center | Greenbelt, Maryland
- Facebook: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
- Flickr: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Instagram: @nasagoddard
- X: @NASAGoddard
- X: @NASAGoddardPix
- YouTube: NASA Goddard
Goddard Institute for Space Studies | New York City, New York
Jet Propulsion Laboratory | Pasadena, California
- Facebook: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Flickr: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Instagram: @nasajpl
- YouTube: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Johnson Space Center | Houston, Texas
- Facebook: NASA’s Johnson Space Center
- Flickr: NASA Johnson
- Instagram: @nasajohnson
- X: @NASA_Johnson
- YouTube: NASA Johnson
Katherine Johnson IV&V Facility | Fairmont, West Virginia
- Facebook: NASA’s IV&V Program
- Instagram: @nasaivv
Kennedy Space Center | Kennedy Space Center, Florida
- Facebook: NASA’s Kennedy Space Center
- Flickr: NASA Kennedy
- Instagram: @nasakennedy
- X: @NASAKennedy
- YouTube: NASA’s Kennedy Space Center
Langley Research Center | Hampton, Virginia
- Facebook: NASA Langley Research Center
- Flickr: NASA Langley
- Instagram: @nasa_langley
- X: @NASA_Langley
- YouTube: NASA Langley Research Center
Marshall Space Flight Center | Huntsville, Alabama
- Facebook: NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
- Flickr: NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
- Instagram: @nasa_marshall
- X: @NASA_Marshall
- YouTube: NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
Stennis Space Center | Stennis Space Center, Mississippi
- Facebook: NASA’s John C. Stennis Space Center
- Instagram: @nasastennis
- X: @NASAStennis
- YouTube: NASA Stennis
Shared Services Center | Stennis Space Center, Mississippi
- Facebook: NASA Shared Services Center
- YouTube: NSSCVideo
Wallops Flight Facility | Wallops Island, Virginia
- Facebook: NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility
- Instagram: nasawallops
- X: @NASAWallops
- YouTube: NASA Wallops
Mission Directorates, Organizations & Programs
These accounts offer news and updates from NASA organizations, programs, and the five Mission Directorates – Aeronautics, Exploration Systems, Science, Space Operations, and Space Technology.
Academy of Program/Project & Engineering Leadership (APPEL)
- Facebook: NASA APPEL Knowledge Services
- Flickr: NASA APPEL Knowledge Services
- Facebook: NASA Aeronautics
- Instagram: @nasaaero
- X: @NASAaero
Ames Research Center Fire and Emergency Services
- Facebook: NASA Ames Fire and Emergency Services
Ames Research Center Strategic Partnership Office
Applied Remote Sensing Training (ARSET)
Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Division (ARES)
- Facebook: NASA Astromaterials
- Instagram: @nasaastromaterials
- X: @Astromaterials
- YouTube: Astromaterials
Biological and Physical Sciences
Careers at NASA
Centennial Challenges
- Facebook: NASA Prize
- Instagram: @nasaprize
- X: @NASAPrize
Citizen Science
- Facebook: NASA Citizen Science
- X: @DoNASAScience
- Facebook: NASA DEVELOP National Program
- Facebook: NASA eClips
- X: @NASA_eClips
- YouTube: NASAeClips
Environmental Management Division (EMD)
- X: @NASAenvcomm
- X: NASA Exhibit
Exploration & In-Space Services (NExIS)
- Facebook: NASA’s Satellite Servicing Projects Division
- Flickr: Robotic Refueling Mission (RRM)
- X: @NASASatServices
- YouTube: NASA’s Exploration and In-space Services
- Facebook: The GLOBE Program
- X: @GLOBEProgram
Graphics and Visualization Lab (GVIS)
- Instagram: @nasa_gvis
- YouTube: NASA GVIS
Human Exploration Rover Challenge
- Facebook: NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge
- X: @RoverChallenge
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Education Resources and Programs
- Facebook: JPL Postdoctoral Programs
Johnson Space Center’s Office of Education
- Facebook: NASA JSC Education
- Facebook: NASA JSC Students
- Instagram: @nasajscstudents
- X: @NASAJSCStudents
Kennedy Space Center’s Swamp Works
- Facebook: SWAMP WORKS at NASA/Kennedy Space Center
- X: @SwampWorks_KSC
Launch Services
- Facebook: NASA’s Launch Services Program
Laser Communications
NASA 360
NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division (NAS)
- X: @NASA_Supercomp
NASA Astronauts
- Facebook: NASA Astronauts
- Instagram: @nasaastronauts
- X: @NASA_Astronauts
NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS)
- Facebook: NASA EDGE
- Flickr: NASA EDGE
- YouTube: NASA EDGE
NASA History Division
- Facebook: NASA History
- Flickr: NASA on The Commons
- X: @NASAhistory
NASA Internship Programs
- Facebook: NASA Internships
- Instagram: @nasainternships
- X: @NASAInterns
- YouTube: NASASciFiles
NASA Social
- X: @NASASocial
NASA Spinoff
- Facebook: NASA Spinoff
- X: @NASAspinoff
NASA Student Launch
- Facebook: NASA Student Launch
- X: @StudentLaunch
- Facebook: NASA X
- Flickr: NASA X
- X: @NASAXrocks
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) SciJinks
- Facebook: NOAA SciJinks
- X: @scijinks
Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)
- Facebook: NASA Chief Information Officer
- X: @openNASA
- X: @NASAdata
Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
- YouTube: NASA Office of Inspector General
Office of the Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
- Facebook: NASAKnowledge
- X: @NASAKnowledge
- YouTube: Knowledge @ NASA
Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP)
- Facebook: NASASmallBusiness
Science Mission Directorate (SMD)
- YouTube: ScienceAtNASA
Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program
- Facebook: NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program
- YouTube: NASA STI Program
Space Apps Challenge
- Facebook: Space Apps Challenge
- X: @SpaceApps
Space Biology Program
- Facebook: NASA Space Biology
Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Program
- Facebook: NASA Space Communications and Navigation
Space Flight Awareness
- Flickr: NASA Space Flight Awareness
Space Mission Operations Directorate
Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD)
- Facebook: NASA Technology
- X: @NASA_Technology
- YouTube: NASASpaceTec
STEM Engagement at NASA
Technology Development at Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Facebook: JPL Technology
- X: @JPL_Technology
Technology Transfer Program
Women @ NASA
- Facebook: Women at NASA
- X: @WomenNASA
Missions & Topics
These accounts offer news and updates from NASA’s missions in space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics research.
Analog Missions and Field Testing
- Facebook: Pavilion Lake Research Project
- X: @PavilionLake
- YouTube: NASAanalogTV
Applied Remote Sensing Training (ARSET) Program
Artemis Missions
- Facebook: NASA Artemis
- Instagram: @nasaartemis
- X: @NASAArtemis
Asteroid Watch
Astrobiology at NASA
- Facebook: NASA Astrobiology
- X: @NASAAstrobio
- YouTube: NASA Astrobiology
Chandra X-Ray Observatory
- Facebook: Chandra X-ray Observatory
- Flickr: Chandra X-ray Observatory
- Instagram: @nasachandraxray
- X: @chandraxray
- YouTube: Chandra X-ray Observatory
- Facebook: NASA Climate Change
- Instagram: @nasaclimatechange
- X: @NASAClimate
Commercial Crew Program
- Facebook: NASA Commercial Crew Program
- X: @Commercial_Crew
Cryospheric Sciences at NASA
- Facebook: NASA Earth
- Instagram: @nasaearth
- X: @NASAEarth
Earth’s Atmosphere
- Facebook: NASA Atmosphere
- X: @NASAAtmosphere
Earth’s Moon
Earth Observatory
- Flickr: NASA Earth Observatory
Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) Program
- Facebook: NASA Earthdata
- X: @NASAEarthData
- YouTube: NASA Earthdata
Europa Clipper
- Facebook: NASA’s Europa Clipper Mission
- X: @EuropaClipper
Exoplanet Exploration
- Facebook: NASA Exoplanets
- X: @NASAExoplanets
Exploration Ground Systems
- Facebook: NASA’s Exploration Ground Systems
- X: @NASAGroundSys
Gateway Program
- Facebook: NASA’s Gateway Program
- X: @NASA_Gateway
Haughton–Mars Project
- Flickr: Haughton Mars Project Research Station
- X: @HMP
- Facebook: NASA Sun Science
- Flickr: NASA_SDO
- X: @NASASun
Hubble Space Telescope
- Facebook: NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope
- Flickr: NASA Hubble Space Telescope
- Instagram: @nasahubble
- X: @NASAHubble
Human Research Program
International Space Station
- Facebook: International Space Station
- Instagram: iss
- X: @Space_Station
- X: @ISS_Research
James Webb Space Telescope
- Facebook: NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope
- Flickr: NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope
- Instagram: @nasawebb
- X: @NASAWebb
- YouTube: James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Program
- Facebook: Joint Polar Satellite System–JPSS
- Flickr: Suomi NPP
- X: @jPSSProgram
Mars Curiosity Rover
- Facebook: NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover
- X: @MarsCuriosity
Mars Exploration
Mars Perseverance Rover
- Facebook: NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover
- X: @NASAPersevere
Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
- Facebook: Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
- X: @NASARoman
NASA and United States Geological Survey (USGS) Landsat Program
- Facebook: Landsat
- X: @NASA_Landsat
NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO)
- Facebook: NASA NEEMO
NASA’s All Sky Fireball Network | Meteoroid Environment Office (MEO)
- Facebook: NASA Meteor Watch
- X: @NASAMeteorWatch
NASA’s Eyes
- X: @nasa_eyes
NASA Expeditions
- Facebook: NASA Expeditions
- X: @NASAExpeditions
Near Space Network (NSN)
- Facebook: NASA’s Near Space Network
- X: @NearSpaceNet
New Horizons Mission
- Facebook: New Horizons
- X: @NASANewHorizons
Orion Spacecraft
- Facebook: NASA’s Orion Spacecraft
- X: @NASA_Orion
Planetary Missions Program
- Facebook: NASA Planetary Missions Program
Project Morpheus
- Facebook: Project Morpheus
- Flickr: Project Morpheus
- X: @MorpheusLander
- Facebook: Robonaut
- X: @AstroRobonaut
Scientific Visualization Studio
- Facebook: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio
- X: @NASAViz
Solar System Exploration
- Facebook: NASA Solar System Exploration
- Instagram: @nasasolarsystem
- X: @NASASolarSystem
- YouTube: NASASolarSystem
Space Launch System (SLS)
- Facebook: NASA’s Space Launch System
Universe Exploration
- Facebook: NASA Universe
- Instagram: @nasauniverse
- X: @NASAUniverse
Voyager Program
- X: @NASAVoyager
NASA Leadership
The official accounts of current NASA leadership.
Acting Associate Administrator Vanessa E. Wyche
- X: @v_wyche
Science Mission Directorate Associate Administrator Dr. Nicky Fox
Official NASA Astronaut Social Media Accounts
Read the biographies of NASA astronauts eligible for flight assignment – including those who are not active on social media.
NASA Astronauts
- Facebook: NASA Astronauts
- Instagram: @nasaastronauts
- X: @NASA_Astronauts
- Instagram: @astro_ayers
- X: @Astro_Ayers
- Facebook: NASA Astronaut Kayla Barron
- Instagram: @astro_kayla
- Instagram: @astro_berrios
- X: @astro_berrios
- Instagram: @astro_birch
- X: @astro_birch
- X: @Astro_Boe
- Facebook: NASA Astronaut Randy “Komrade” Bresnik
- Instagram: @astrokomrade
- X: @AstroKomrade
- Instagram: @astronaut_deniz
- X: @astro_deniz
- Instagram: @zenanaut
- Reddit: u/zenacardman
- X: @zenanaut
- Facebook: NASA Astronaut Raja Chari
- Instagram: @astro_raja
- X: @Astro_Raja
- Instagram: @astro_andred
- X: @Astro_AndreD
- Instagram: @jeanette.epps
- X: @Astro_Jeanette
- Instagram: @astrovicglover
- X: @AstroVicGlover
- Facebook: NASA Astronaut Nick Hague
- Instagram: @astrohague
- X: @AstroHague
- Instagram: @astro_hathaway
- X: @astro_hathaway
- Instagram: @astro_farmerbo
- X: @Astro_FarmerBob
- Instagram: astro.woody
- Reddit: u/warrenhoburg
- X: @Astro_Woody
- Facebook: NASA Astronaut Jonny Kim
- Instagram: @jonnykimusa
- X: @JonnyKimUSA
- Instagram: @astro_christina
- X: @Astro_Christina
- Instagram: @astro_kjell
- X: @astro_kjell
- X: @AstroDuke
- Instagram: @astro.megan
- X: @Astro_Megan
- Instagram: @astro_annimal
- X: @AstroAnnimal
- Instagram: @astro_jessica
- X: @Astro_Jessica
- Instagram: @astro_anil
- X: @astro_anil
- Facebook: NASA Astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli
- Instagram: @astrojaws
- X: @AstroJaws
- Facebook: NASA Astronaut Andrew “Drew” Morgan
- Instagram: @astrodrewmorgan
- X: @AstroDrewMorgan
- Instagram: @loralohara
- X: @lunarloral
- X: @Astro_Kate7
- Facebook: Astronaut Frank Rubio
- Instagram: @astro_frankrubio
- Instagram: @astro_maker
- X: @Astro_Sabot
- Instagram: @astro_watkins
- X: @astro_watkins
- X: @Astro_Suni
- Instagram: @astro_reid
- X: @astro_reid
Wittner, Jessica
- Instagram: @astro_wittner
- X: @Astro_Wittner
NASA Astronaut Candidates
The term astronaut candidate refers to individuals who have been selected by NASA as candidates for astronaut corps and are currently undergoing a candidacy training program at NASA’s Johnson Space Center. Learn more about the astronaut selection program. Read the biographies of the most recent class of NASA astronaut candidates – including those who are not active on social media.
Have a question about NASA social media? Contact the NASA Social Media Team.