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NASA Media Contacts

The newsroom at Mary W. Jackson NASA Headquarters in Washington is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Monday through Friday. Members of the press can reach the newsroom at or 202-358-1600.

Media Contacts

Cindy AndersonExploration Systems Development Mission Directorate202-779-0570
Julian ColtreSpace Operations Mission Directorate202-358-1100
Gerelle DodsonDiversity and Equal Opportunity202-384-4861
Abbey DonaldsonSTEM Engagement202-913-2184
Jennifer DoorenInformation Technology and Cybersecurity; Office of Chief Financial Officer; Strategic Infrastructure202-358-1600
Alise FisherAstrophysics202-617-4977
Josh FinchSpace Operations Mission Directorate202-358-1100
Karen FoxScience Mission Directorate202-358-1100
James GannonExploration Systems Development Mission Directorate202-664-7828
Jasmine HopkinsSpace Technology Mission Directorate321-432-4624
Alana JohnsonPlanetary Science202-672-4780
Aries KeckEarth Science202-604-2356
Katie KonansAudio and Podcasting
Rachel KraftExploration Systems Development Mission Directorate202-365-7575
Liz LandauAstrophysics202-923-0167
Rob MargettaAeronautics Research Mission Directorate202-358-0918
Erin MortonPlanetary Science202-805-9393
Claire O’SheaSpace Operations Mission Directorate202-358-1100
Katherine RohloffPress Secretary for Nicola “Nicky” Fox, Associate Administrator, NASA Science Mission Directorate202-358-1600
Jimi RussellSpace Operations Mission Directorate216-433-2894
Elizabeth ShawOffice of International and Interagency Relations202-358-1600
Katy SummerlinBiological and Physical Sciences202-358-1600
María-José ViñasSpanish-Language Communications240-458-0248 
Liz VlockEarth and Climate202-358-1600
Cheryl WarnerNews Chief202-358-1600
Molly WasserPlanetary Defense Coordination Office; Planetary Science240-419-1732
Dewayne WashingtonMars Sample Return 301-832-5867
Jim Wilson   Moon to Mars202-934-4350

Leadership Interview Requests

Meira BernsteinPress Secretary for NASA Administrator Bill Nelson202-615-1747
Amber JacobsonPress Secretary for NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy240-298-1832
Kathryn HambletonPress Secretary for NASA Associate Administrator Jim Free and Deputy Associate Administrator Casey Swails202-358-1409


NASA Headquarters Photography OfficePhotography for news media 202-358-1900

Non-Media Inquiries

NASA Public InquiriesPublic inquiries
Office of STEM EngagementEducator inquiries

NASA Center Newsrooms

Mary W. Jackson NASA Headquarters202-358-1600
Ames Research Center650-604-4789
Armstrong Flight Research Center661-276-3449
Glenn Research Center216-433-5466
Goddard Space Flight Center301-286-8955
Goddard Institute for Space Studies212-678-5507
Jet Propulsion Laboratory818-354-5011
Johnson Space Center281-483-5111
Katherine Johnson Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Facility304-367-8200
Kennedy Space Center321-867-2468
Langley Research Center757-864-1000
Marshall Space Flight Center256-544-0034
Stennis Space Center228-688-3341
Wallops Flight Facility757-824-1579