Flight Opportunities Resources
Find a wealth of information about flight testing open to researchers from industry, academia, non-profit research institutes, and government organizations.
Community of Practice Webinars
Designed to distill and share the most important lessons learned by suborbital researchers, these webinars are chance to hear from subject matter experts on best practices for preparing for suborbital flight tests.
View webinar topics about Community of Practice Webinars
Lessons Learned Library
The Lessons Learned Library curates suggestions from program participants to help researchers be more successful in their flight testing and as they advance their technologies through flight tests.
Browse the library for top tips and guidance about Lessons Learned Library
Preparation Tool: Exploration of Relevant Test Environments
Consider these key elements/questions to prepare for conversations with the Flight Opportunities team or other NASA personnel. Remember: You can reach out to us anytime! Get in touch via nasa-flightopportunities@mail.nasa.gov
Download the tool about Preparation Tool: Exploration of Relevant Test Environments
Flight Opportunities Overview
Episode 111 of Small Steps, Giant Leaps, posted June 28, 2023
NASA Flight Opportunities Program Manager Danielle McCulloch discusses rapid demonstration of technologies and capabilities for NASA missions and commercial spaceflight.
Listen to the podcast
TechLeap Nighttime Precision Landing Challenge
Episode 112 of Small Steps, Giant Leaps, posted July 12, 2023
NASA TechLeap Nighttime Precision Landing Challenge Manager Greg Peters discusses the lunar landing challenge.
Listen to the podcast
Faces of Technology: Meet Wanessa Priesmeyer
Meet Wanessa Priesmeyer, Flight Test Campaign Manager for NASA’s Flight Opportunities program. Wanessa discusses her work with Flight Opportunities as well as the TechRise Challenge.
Watch the Faces of Technology video
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Reports and Fact Sheets
Check out Flight Opportunities yearly accomplishments reports, program fact sheets, and other researcher and flight provider resources.
Read to learn more about the program about Reports and Fact Sheets
Solicitations Archives
Information about past Flight Opportunities announcements related to flight and payload integration services (i.e., flight providers).
Read previous solicitations about Solicitations Archives
Learn More and Get Involved

Commercial Flight Providers
When non-U.S. government researchers compete for funding through the Flight Opportunities program's TechFlights solicitation, they can propose to use any viable U.S.-based commercial provider. For U.S. government research, NASA has IDIQ (Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity) contracts with several flight services vendors.