| | Tuesday – November 1st, 2016 Mirror Tech/ SBIR/ STTR Workshop 2016 | |
# | Presenter | Title | Org |
| | Government Technology Needs (OPEN) | |
00 | Stahl | Welcome | NASA |
01 | Siegler | Mirror Technology Needs for Exoplanet Exploration Program including Decadal Studies (HabEx, LUVOIR, etc.) | JPL |
02 | Thronson | NASA Mirror Technology Needs for Cosmic Origins and Physics of Cosmos Program | NASA |
03 | Bolcar | Technology Needs for the Large UV/Optical/Infrared (LUVOIR) Surveyor Decadal Mission Concept Study | NASA |
04 | Cohen | Status, Development Plan and Challenges for the XRS Optics | SAO |
| | SBIR Workshop (OPEN) | |
05 | Lewis | SBIR Program Updates Relevant to the 2017 Solicitation | JPL |
06 | Shaklan | SBIR Topic S2: Advanced Telescope Systems | JPL |
07 | Stahl | SBIR Subtopic S2.03 Advanced Optical Systems and Fabrication/Testing/Control Technologies for EUV/Optical and IR Telescope overview | NASA |
08 | Shiri | SBIR Subtopic S2.04 X-Ray Mirror Systems Technology, Coating Technology for X-Ray-UV-OIR, and Free-Form Optics overview | NASA |
| | SBIR Commercialization Success (OPEN) | |
09 | Sheikh | Phase II final results/Commercialization status, Low-Stress Silicon Cladding for Surface Finishing Large UVOIR Mirrors | ZeCoat |
| | Mirror Technology (OPEN) | |
10 | Fischer | Ultra-Stable Zero-CTE HoneySiC and H2CMN Mirror Support Structures | Fantom Materials |
11 | Fischer | CVC SiC Thermally Insensitive Telescope Development | Fantom Materials |
12 | Harrison | Additive Manufacturing of Telescope Mirrors | ASRC Federal |
13 | Easter | Large-Scale Molded Silicon Oxycarbide Composite Components for Ultra-Low Cost, Lightweight Mirrors | Semplastics |
14 | Casstevens | Additive Manufactured Very Light Weight Diamond Turned Aspheric Mirror | DOS |
15 | Han | TIF and material removal characteristics of SiC mirror materials | KASI |
16 | Lawson | Freeform Monolithic Multi-surface Telescope Manufacturing | Optimax |
17 | Seibel | Advances in SiC manufacturing enabling novel optical systems | NGC |
18 | Catanzaro | Rib stiffened sandwich panels using aluminum, silicon carbide, and beryllium for lightweight telescope structures | CFE |
19 | Monroe | Allvar Tailored CTE Materials | Thermal Expansion Solutions |
| | X-Ray Mirror Technology (OPEN) | |
20 | Zhang | Lightweight and High-resolution Astronomical X-ray Optics Using Single Crystal Silicon | NASA |
21 | Hardesty | Matching NiP on Be-38Al for Low Temp Mirrors | Peregrine |
22 | Tyurina | BeatMark Software to Reduce the Cost of X-Ray Mirror Fabrication by Optimization of Polishing and Metrology | Second Star Algonumerix |
| | Wednesday – November 2nd, 2016 Telescope Technology (OPEN) | |
23 | Young | Gondola for High Altitude Planetary Science (GHAPS) Optical Telescope Assembly | NASA |
24 | Sankar | Progress towards high-dimensional-stability telescope for gravitational wave detection | NASA |
| | Optical Design (OPEN) | |
25 | Papa | Starting Points for Designing Freeform Four-Mirror Telescopes | U Rochester |
26 | Schiesser | Sensitivity analysis comparison of unobscured TMA: free-form vs co-axial | U Rochester |
| | Optical Fabrication Technology (OPEN) | |
27 | Mohring | 6-Axis UFF Platform Axis Configurations to Optimize Mandrel Surface Finishing | OptiPro |
28 | Alberts | Ormond SBIR Phase 2: Abrasive waterjet core cutting of ULE | Ormond |
| | Optical Metrology Technology (OPEN) | |
29 | Balonek | Quantitative measurement of mid-spatial frequency error using a test plate | Harris |
30 | Olczak | Versatile metrology solution using a large holographic stitching technique | Harris |
31 | Ebersole | High Performance Computing (HPC)-Accelerated Inverse Deflectometry for Mirror Segment Metrology – Update | SURVICE Eng |
32 | DeFisher | New Developments in the Non-Contact Metrology of Freeform Surfaces | OptiPro |
33 | Masterson | Phase Reconfigurable Nulling Interferometer | Boulder Nonlinear |
| | AMTD-II (OPEN) | |
34 | Stahl | Overview & Status | NASA |
35 | Mathews | Fabrication of 1.5 meter ULE | Harris |
36 | Eng | Schott ELZM Test results | NASA |
37 | Brooks | Schott ELZM Thermal Model Predictions and Correlation | NASA |
38 | P Stahl | AMM Status and 4-meter Primary Mirror Point Design | NASA |
39 | M Stahl | Coronagraph WFE Stability Modeling | NASA |
| | Predictive Thermal Control (OPEN) | |
40 | P Stahl | Predictive Thermal Control | NASA |
41 | Eng | How to get a mirror thermal tested at MSFC | NASA |
| | Optical Coatings (OPEN) | |
42 | Quijada | FUV reflectance of recently prepared aluminum mirrors protected with AlF3 | NASA |
43 | Bala | Mirror coatings for large UV to NIR telescope mirrors | JPL |
44 | Sheikh | Coating Mirrors in Space | ZeCoat |
45 | Allred | Measuring the optical constants of AlF3 from 56 to 13 nm | BYU |
46 | Allred | Understanding the degradation mechanisms of bare aluminum mirrors via VUV and EUV reflectance | BYU |
| | Thursday – November 3rd, 2016 Exoplanet Exploration Program (ExEp) Technology (OPEN) | |
47 | Shaklan | Coronagraph with Segmented Aperture Study | JPL |
48 | Demers | Technology Development Update for First High-Contrast Space Coronagraph | JPL |
49 | Shaklan | Starshade Technology Status | JPL |
50 | Kim | Optical Demonstrations of a Starshade at Flight Fresnel Number | Princeton |
51 | Harness | High-contrast astronomy with starshades | U Colorado |
| | Deformable Mirror Technology (OPEN) | |
52 | Helmbrecht | MEMS Deformable Mirror Development at Iris AO | Iris AO |
53 | Ryan | Recent progress in developing high actuator count MEMS DMs | BMM |
| | Wavefront Sensing and Control (OPEN) ITAR TECHNOLOGY SESSIONS Mirror Technology (ITAR) | |
| Mooney | Constructed core mirror | Harris |
| Mooney | 3D Printed, lightweight mirror architecture | Harris |
| Kuhn | Verification of High Performance, Radiation Hardened Optical Coatings and Mirror Technology | Opt-E |
| Kuhn | Pre/Post Exposure Optical Performance Characterization of High Performance Radiation Hardened Optical Components and Systems | Opt-E |
| | James Webb Space Telescope (ITAR) | |
| Atkinson | OTE Alignment, Integration and Deployments | NGC |
| Daly | OTIS Mechanical Integration | Harris |
| Keski-kuha | Pathfinder Results and OTIS Test Plan | NASA |
| Chaney | JWST Pathfinder Optical Results | BATC |
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