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University students prepare their rocket for launch.
An image of the Moon with the Artemis insignia and the words "You are the Artemis Generation as a text overlay

Space Tech STEM Engagement

NASA’s STEM Engagement comprises all endeavors to attract, engage, and educate students and to support educators and educational institutions, building the next generation technologists, innovators, and explorers.

About NASA STEM Engagement about Space Tech STEM Engagement

Student Challenges

Artist depiction of inflatable structures on the surface of the Moon including an inflatable manufacturing press, dust shield, garage, storage tanks, mobility vehicles, and a solar array.

BIG Idea Challenge

NASA Techrise Student Challenge


A MITTIC participant stands at a podium and presents to a panel of judges with the quote

MUREP Innovation Tech Transfer Idea Competition (MITTIC)

Stephanie Yazzie, Northern Arizona University student and NAU Space Jacks team member, poses with her team’s rocket in this photo from the 2019 NASA First Nations Launch (FNL) competition.

Artemis Student Challenges

For Colleges and Universities

A teenager sits in the cockpit of a craft, and is flashing a peace sign at the camera. Minority University

Minority University Research (MUREP)

Various images of students participating in STEM activities.

MUREP Partnership Annual Notification (MPLAN)

A rover in five different positions with spotlights on each position

MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR)  

Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)

First Woman

Discover the First Woman digital universe. Read the graphic novels in English and Spanish, access educational tools and experiences, and learn about real space technologies for our missions to the Moon, Mars and beyond!

Go to First Woman about First Woman

Be A NASA Intern

NASA offers paid internships for high school and college-level students to contribute to agency projects under the guidance of a NASA mentor.

Learn More about Be A NASA Intern
A group of students