The NESC Leadership Team
Office of the Director
Timmy R. Wilson
Michael T. Kirsch
Mark Vande Hei
Peter Panetta
Liaison to the NASA Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer (OCHMO)
David R. Francisco
Liaison to the NASA Office of Safety & Mission Assurance (OSMA)
Glen W. Lockwood
Liaison to the NASA Office of the Chief Scientist
Jonathan A.R. Rall
Management and Technical Support Office (MTSO)
Lisa McAlhaney
NESC Integration Office
Mary Beth Wusk
Principal Engineers Office
Gregory J. Harrigan
Jon P. Haas
Donald S. Parker
Michael D. Squire
NESC Chief Engineers Office
Sean Clarke (AFRC)
Donald R. Mendoza (ARC)
Robert S. Jankovsky (GRC)
Carmel A. Conaty (GSFC)
Kimberly A. Simpson (JPL)
Joel W. Sills (JSC)
Stephen A. Minute (KSC)
K. Elliott Cramer (LaRC)
Vacant (MFSC)
Michael D. Smiles (SSC)
NASA Technical Fellows Office
Joseph Olejniczak (Aerosciences)
George Jackson (Avionics)
Vacant (Cryogenics)
Christopher J. Iannello (Electrical Power)
Morgan B. Abney (Environmental Control/Life Support)
Heather M. Koehler (Flight Mechanics)
Christopher N. D’souza (GNC)
Cynthia H. Null (Human Factors)
Dexter Johnson (Loads and Dynamics)
Bryan W. McEnerney (Materials)
Michael J. Dube (Mechanical Systems)
Vacant (NDE)
Jonathan E. Jones (Propulsion)
Upendra N. Singh (Sensors/Instrumentation)
Lorraine E. Prokop (Software)
Joseph I. Minow (Space Environments)
Deneen M. Taylor (Structures)
Jon B. Holladay (Systems Engineering)
Steven L. Rickman (Thermal Control & Protection)