Versatile ground testing and technology validation.
NASA’s Glenn Research Center is home to world-class facilities designed for testing EAP systems and technologies. Explore state-of-the-art machinery, equipment, and test cells enabling groundbreaking research in electrified aviation.
Did you know?

NASA Electric Aircraft Testbed
Megawatt-scale electrified aircraft powertrains testing under simulated flight altitude conditions to enable next-generation hybrid and turboelectric commercial aircraft.

Advanced Reconfigurable Electrified Aircraft Lab
A high-power, direct current testbed designed to investigate electric powertrain architectures and support development of new power standards and verification guidelines for vertical lift vehicles and sustainable air transportation.

High-Power Advanced Cable Technology
Thermal performance testing of wiring and cable technology for safe operation in electrified aircraft systems.

Scaled Power Electrified Drivetrain
A low-power, direct current, single-string testbed that helps familiarize engineers with electrified aircraft powertrains, verify operations, and characterize motor and inverter components.

Dynamic Spin Rig
Vibration and structural mode properties testing of rotating aircraft engine systems and components.

Integrated Cryogenically-Cooled Experiment Box
Cryogenic testing that enables quick, low-cost methods for conducting low temperature tests on aircraft components.
Electrified Aircraft Propulsion
NASA's research in electrified aircraft propulsion combines expertise from industry, government, and academia to explore new systems, components, and conceptual design configurations that could help reduce fuel burn and emissions in future aircraft.
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