Goddard Environmental Planning & Impact Assessment
Program Contacts:
Shari Miller (757) 824-2327
Irene Romero (301) 286-0469
Environmental planning provides a process to identify environmental impacts, issues, and requirements associated with a project and to incorporate them into project planning and decision-making. Environmental planning is done early into the planning process for proposed Goddard projects and activities.
NASA uses the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process as a framework for balanced and integrated environmental planning. NEPA requires federal agencies to consider the environmental impacts of actions in their planning and decision-making processes. This facilitates compliance with other environmental laws, minimizes impacts to the environment, and avoids cost and schedule impacts to the project. Goddard implements NEPA in accordance with the Council on Environmental Quality’s (CEQ) regulations implementing NEPA (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508) and NASA’s Procedures for Implementing NEPA (14 CFR 1216.3).
The Medical and Environmental Management Division (MEMD) assists in the evaluation of environmental impacts associated with institutional and mission-related projects and programs. This review is available for all Goddard projects, including those occurring at Goddard facilities, other U.S. sites, or international locations.
We provide the following services:
- Review new or potential projects for inclusion within existing NEPA analyses.
- Identification of potential environmental requirements, issues, impacts, consultations, and/or permits.
- Determination of the appropriate level of NEPA documentation [i.e., Categorical Exclusion (CatEx) Environmental Assessment (EA), and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)].
- Assistance in the preparation of NEPA and other related documents in accordance with NASA and Goddard Procedural Requirements NPR 8580.1, NPR 7120.5, and GPR 8500.1. Documents include Records of Environmental Consideration (RECs), EAs, EISs and Environmental Management Plans (EMPs).
- Assistance to ensure that necessary actions are taken to meet the applicable requirements of environmental laws and regulations. This includes support for required permitting, reporting, mitigation, and monitoring activities.
- Coordinate public and regulatory comment process and attend public meetings.
- Coordinate NASA NEPA training for relevant project personnel. (Overview of NASA Goddard NEPA training).
Project managers are encouraged to submit their project early in the planning stages to ensure environmental and safety requirements are identified and incorporated into project planning and decision-making.
Goddard uses the Environmental and Safety Review (E&SR) process for all projects, including institutional and mission related and those occurring at Goddard facilities and other U.S. and international locations.
To initiate an E&SR, use the following link: https://mosi.ndc.nasa.gov/EnvironmentalSafetyReview/ (internal)