Jason Allmaras
California Institute of Technology
Modeling and Development of Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors
Taylor Baildon
University of Michigan
Precision Foreground Removal in Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Maps
Matthew Baird
Western Michigan University
Understanding newly discovered oscillation modes in magnetically shielded Hall thrusters utilizing state of the art high speed diagnostics
Elizabeth Barrios
University of Central Florida
Polymer Derived Ceramic Nanocomposites for Advanced Thermoelectrics
Conor Benson
University of Colorado, Boulder
Long-Term Rotational Dynamics of Defunct Earth-Orbiting Satellites
Eric Bersin
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Quantum Networking and Sensing using a Diamond Nanophotonic Circuit
Jacob Boyer
Ohio State University
Development of III-V/Si Multijunction Space Photovoltaics
Julian Brew
Georgia Institute of Technology
Computationally Tractable Reachability Subspace Surfaces Applied to Space Operations
Carl Bunge
Washington State University
Heisenberg vortex for light-weight refrigeration of liquid hydrogen
Colin Burke
University of California, Berkeley
Tuning electrochemical intermediate solvation via cation additives to increase nonaqueous lithium-oxygen battery capacity
Ashley Carlton
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Autonomous Fault Identification and Handling Algorithms for Spacecraft
Daniel Case
University of Colorado, Boulder
Passive Radiation Shielding: Integrating Multilayer and Multipurpose Materials into Space Habitat Design
Abhishek Cauligi
Stanford University
Perception-Aware Spacecraft Motion Planning
Britany Chamberlain
Utah State University
Evaluation of Additively-Manufactured, Consumable Structure Options for Small Spacecraft Propulsion Systems
Joel Chapman
Georgia Institute of Technology
Electrified Liquid Jets from Nanostructured Surfaces for Phase Change Heat Transfer Enhancement
Caitlyn Cooke
University of Colorado, Boulder
Integrated Submillimeter-Wave InP HBT Electronics for Atmospheric Radiometry
Andrew Cox
Purdue University
Trajectory Design in a Combined Low-Thrust Multi-Body Environment
Angie Crews
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Calibration and Validation for Constellations of Remote Sensing CubeSats with Microwave Radiometers
Garrison Crouch
University of Notre Dame
Photonic and Quantum Interactions of Atomic-Scale Junctions
Mallory Daly
University of California, Berkeley
Design and Control of a Twelve-Bar Tensegrity Robot
David Dang
University of Michigan
Development of High-Fidelity Material Response Modeling for Resin-Infused Woven Thermal Protection System
Zachary Duca
Georgia Institute of Technology
Technology Readiness Level Elevation of the Enceladus Organic Analyzer (EOA) for Outer-Planetary in situ Organic Analysis
David Elliott
Cornell University
Exploration of Extreme Terrain Using a Polyhedral Rover
Eugene Fang
Carnegie Mellon University
Innovations for Fast, Accurate, Robust Planetary Rover Navigation
Serena Ferraro
California Institute of Technology
New Designs for Modular Ultra-Light Precision Space Structures
Richard Fineman
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Human Performance Metrics for Spacesuit Evaluation
Jordan French
University of Utah
3D imaging of damage in biaxially loaded composites at cryogenic temperatures using a novel micro-CT experiment
Hiroshi Furuya
Columbia University
Collaborative Augmented Reality with Hands-Free Gesture Control for Remote Astronaut Training and Mentoring
Christine Gregg
University of California, Berkeley
Mechanics of Digital Lattice Materials for Re-configurable Space Structures
LoriAnne Groo
University of Michigan
ZnO Piezoelectric Nanowires for Use in a Self-Powered Structural Health Monitoring Device for Fiber-Reinforced Composites
Harold Haldren
University of Virginia
Nondestructive Evaluation of Adhesive Bond Strength by Ultrasonic Phase Measurements
Caleb Hammer
University of Maryland, College Park
Heat Transfer Mechanisms for Flow Boiling in Microgravity using Quantum Dots as Temperature Sensors
Roland Herrmann-Stanzel
University of Vermont
Energy Accommodation from Surface Catalyzed Reactions in Air Plasmas
Nozomi Hitomi
Cornell University
Design and Optimization of Space System Architectures: Applying and Extracting Lessons Learned
Peter Knapp
University of Illinois
Strain Sensors Based on Sandwich Structures of Crumpled Graphene for Structural Health Monitoring
Rufat Kulakhmetov
Purdue University
Measurement and Modeling of Surface Coking in Fuel-Film Cooled Liquid Rocket Engines
Omar Leon
University of Michigan
Understanding and Mitigating the Charging Behavior of Next Generation Complex and Active Spacecraft
Mike Lotto
University Of Colorado, Boulder
Assessing the Feasibility of using Co-electrolysis with Task-Specific Ionic Liquids to Produce Methane and Oxygen for Martian In-Situ Resource Utilization
Brendan Marozas
University of Rochester
Investigation of Superlattice Surface Characteristics
James S McCabe
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Multitarget Approaches to Robust Navigation
Kristin Nichols
University Of Colorado, Boulder
Mobility in the small body environment: Close proximity landing and surface dynamics
Evan Ogden
University of Texas at Austin
Musculoskeletal Model of the Human Shoulder for Enhanced Understanding of Human-Device Interactions During EVA
Jonathan Papa
University of Rochester
Four-Mirror Freeform Reflective Imaging Systems
Seth Pedersen
William Marsh Rice University
Understanding and Mitigating Scale Formation on Membranes Used for Membrane Distillation of Wastewater During Space Travel
Greg Phlipot
California Institute of Technology
Prediction and Optimization of Truss Performance for Lightweight, Intelligent Packaging and Deployable Structures
Yasvanth Poondla
University of Texas at Austin
Discrete Velocity Method for Simulating Rarefied Gas Flows with Plasma
Robert Pritchett
Purdue University
A Numerical Method to Generate Reference Trajectories for Optimization Methods to Support Low-Thrust Mission Design
William Sanchez
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Development and Testing of Autonomous On-Orbit Assembly and Servicing Systems Using the SPHERES Testbed
Abigail Sevier
Case Western Reserve University
Feasibility Study of a Magnetic Suspension System for Testing the Dynamic Stability of Blunt Bodies in NASA GRC’s 225 square centimeter Supersonic Wind Tunnel
Nathaniel Skolnik
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Utilization of Self-Healing Materials in Thermal Protection System Applications
Arul Suresh
Stanford University
Engineering Gecko-Inspired Adhesives for Robotic Mobility and Manipulation in Microgravity
Sydney Taylor
Arizona State University
Temperature-Modulated Radiative Coatings for Dynamic Thermal Management of Spacecraft
Darren Tinker
Vanderbilt University
An Additively Manufactured Torch Igniter for Liquid Propellants
Samuel Wald
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Evolvable Habitation Architectures for Long-duration Human Exploration Systems
Michael Werner
Georgia Institute of Technology
Development of an Earth Smallsat Flight Test to Demonstrate Viability of Mars Aerocapture
Julian Whitman
Carnegie Mellon University
Automatic Specialization of Modular Robot Limbs
Patrick Wittick
University of Texas at Austin
Orbit Databases and Fast Gravity Fields for Rapid Trajectory Design Near Small Bodies
Jason Yoo
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Developing quantum dot absorptive filter array-based miniaturized spectrometer for space applications