System-Wide Safety Project
The transformation of aviation to make flight more efficient and accessible, even as the global demand for air transportation services steadily increases, will require new research tools, innovative technologies, and operational methods. Enabling this to be done safely at every step is the goal of the System-Wide Safety (SWS) project.
Project Manager
Dr. Kyle Ellis
Deputy project manager
Summer Brandt
Associate Project Manager
Dr. Wendy Okolo
Associate Project Manager
Michael Vincent
SWS Project Videos
The SWS project invites you to watch these videos that showcase some of our activities.

Human Contributions to Safety on the Flightdeck
Captain Dan Kiggins and two of NASA's senior human factors researchers, Jon Holbrook and Lance Prinzel, discuss an increasingly autonomous future and the role humans will play in aviation safety.

Mitigations for Distraction on the Flightdeck
Captain Dan Kiggins and NASA senior research psychologist, Steve Casner, discuss the impact distractions have on flight safety and techniques to mitigate their influence.

Collaborative Decision Making
Captain Dan Kiggins discusses collaborative decision-making with NASA test pilots Nils Larson and Jim Less, The Cleveland Clinic’s thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon Dr. Michael Tong, and Chad Stephens, a SWS project human factors researcher.

The Future of Aviation Safety
Captain Dan Kiggins is joined by Kyle Ellis and Chad Stephens from the SWS project to discuss NASA’s vision for the future of automation in aviation.
NASA Research to Help Mitigate Risks Around Airports
To keep our nation’s busiest airports running smoothly, thousands of people and systems must work harmoniously to manage the risks associated with commercial passenger and cargo transport.
Learn More About Mitigating Risks Around Airports about NASA Research to Help Mitigate Risks Around Airports