Small Satellite Reliability Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM-2) Agenda and Presentations
11-12 October 2017, NASA Headquarters
The challenges and approach for this technical interchange meeting are available in this document: Small Satellite Reliability Technical Interchange-2 Meeting Agenda. Meeting discussions are summarized in the summary document: TIM-2 Summary Notes.
Day 1
Welcome, Logistics Johnson/ Seablom
9:10 Why are we here? Ground rules. TIM objectives and success criteria. Michael Johnson/NASA GSFC, Michael Seablom/NASA HQ
Lessons Learned from Spaceflight Missions Mike Seablom, facilitator
9:30 Introductory remarks
9:40 Ryan Miller (Univ of Michigan) – QB50 CDH Development for NASA
10:00 Chris Ruf (Univ of Michigan) – Lessons Learned from the CYGNSS Mission
10:20 Randy Rose (Southwest Research Institute) – CYGNSS Spacecraft Component and Subsystem Reliability Lessons Learned
10:40 Craig Hardgrove (Arizona State Univ) – The Lunar Polar Hydrogen Mapper: LunaH-Map – Mission and Systems-Level Status
11:00 Break
Lessons Learned from Spaceflight Missions (continued) Mike Seablom, facilitator
11:30 Round table discussion: Common threads and translating lessons learned into actionable recommendations
12:00 Lunch
Model-Based Approaches to Mission Confidence Doug Sheldon, Harald Schone, facilitators
1:00 Harald Schone (JPL) – JPL Model Based Reliability Investments
1:20 Michael Vinarcik (University of Detroit/Mercy) – SysML Modeling in the Automotive Industry (remote)
1:30 Jesus Mata Castaneda & Natalie Matevossyan (University of Detroit/Mercy) – Vehicle Feature Complexity Modeling (remote)
1:50 Robert Kraus, George Papaioannou & Arun Sivan (Ford Motor Company) – Application of MBSE Principals to an Automotive Driveline Sub-System Architecture (remote)
2:10 Art Witulski (Vanderbilt University) – GSN/Bayesian Networks in Small Sats (remote)
2:30 Full session discussion, all
2:50 Break
Knowledge Sharing Bruce Yost, facilitator
Bruce Yost – Knowledge Sharing, Website Architecture
3:00 Catherine Venturini (The Aerospace Corp.) – Lessons Learned on Knowledge Sharing
3:15 Ken LaBel (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center): NEPP Perspective data and knowledge repositories
3:30 Sue Aleman (NASA/Headquarters) – The OSMA Perspective
3:45 Open Discussion, all
4:30 End of day open discussion & action item recommendations for “Open Topic” session. Review ‘parking lot’ notes for suitable open topic discussions., all
5:00 Adjourn
7:00 Dinner: TIM Dinner plans to be announced, all
Day 2
Day 1 Recap Michael Johnson, facilitator
9:00 Day 1 findings, Questions, Issues, Success Criteria Check Day 2 Plans, all
Best Practices and Design/Development Guidelines Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink, facilitator
9:15 Linda Fuhrman (MIT Lincoln Laboratory) – Debrief of Best Practices/Development Guidelines Recommendations from TIM-1
9:30 Linda Fuhrman – Analysis of CubeSat Reliability
10:00 Break
Best Practices and Design/Development Guidelines (continued) Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink, facilitator
10:30 Catherine Venturini (The Aerospace Corp.) – Improving Mission Success of CubeSats
11:00 Elizabeth Klein–Lebbink (The Aerospace Corp.) – SmallSat Best Practices Implementation Example
11:30 Open discussion, all
12:15 Lunch
Open Topic Harald Schone, facilitator
1:15 Round table discussion of top three topics as identified on Day 1, all
2:30 Break
2:45 Continued round table discussion of top three topics as identified on Day 1, all
Findings Summary, Open Issues, Next Steps
3:00 End of day open discussion & action item recommendations, Pat, Michael, Harald
3:30 Adjourn