75 Years of Advancing Technology and Science Through FlightNASA'S X-57 is the Agency's first all-electric expiremental aircraft, or X-plane, and is NASA's first crewed X-plane in two decades....NASA'S X-57 is the Agency's first all-electric expiremental aircraft, or X-plane, and is NASA's first crewed X-plane in two decades....NASA'S X-57 is the Agency's first all-electric expiremental aircraft, or X-plane, and is NASA's first crewed X-plane in two decades....Autonomous Systems: Advanced Air Mobility (AAM)Autonomous Systems: Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Concept ArtArmstrong Through the Years - Resilient Autonomy: HQ-90 EVAA TestingArmstrong Through the Years - Resilient Autonomy: HQ-90 EVAA TestingArmstrong Through the Years - F-8 Digital Fly-By-WireArmstrong Through the Years - F-8 Digital Fly-By-WireArmstrong Through the Years - F-8 Digital Fly-By-WireArmstrong Through the Years - X5 -3Armstrong Through the Years - X5 -2X-5: First Transonic Wing Sweep DemonstrationArmstrong Through the Years - LLRV-3Armstrong Through the Years - LLRV-2Armstrong Through the Years - LLRVArmstrong Through the Years - Mobile WallpaperArmstrong Through the Years - CollageArmstrong Through the Years - X-15Armstrong Through the Years - X-15Armstrong Through the Years75 Years of Advancing Technology and Science Through FlightNASA's all-electric X-57 Maxwell, in its Mod II configuration, arrives at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California. The...Astrobotic's Xodiac lander completes a flight test at the Mojave Spaceport. Xodiac is a vertical-takeoff, vertical-landing (VTVL) reusable terrestrial rocket.Sierra Nevada Corp’s Dream Chaser posed on ramp at sunrise at NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center in California where the...Student interns and NASA personnel cluster in front of PRANDTL-D No. 3 following a crash on Rosamond Dry Lake. The...Scientists onboard SOFIA watch data come in from Pluto’s atmosphere as SOFIA flies into the shadow the dwarf planet cast...Technicians fill SOFIA’s instrument with liquid nitrogen and helium to keep the detectors cold. The now retired instrument was called...Matt Berry, left, and Chris Jennison examine incoming data on NASA’s DC-8 airborne science aircraft. The 62-year-old ex-airliner is one...An Armstrong G-III aircraft carrying the Flexys© Adaptive Compliant Trailing Edge flap. The smooth transition between the flaps and wing...SOFIA’s flight crew prepare to takeoff from the U.S. Antarctic Program facility at Christchurch International Airport in Christchurch, New Zealand,...Technicians introduce liquid nitrogen to an instrument linked to SOFIA’s telescope. Detection of infrared wavelengths is greatly enhanced by removing...James De Buizer, Senior Scientist at SOFIA Science Center, conducting observations onboard SOFIA facing the telescope’s Naysmith foci “eyepiece.”Dana Backamn explains SOFIA’s observations during a flight with Airborne Astronomy Ambassador educators Adriana Alvarez and Mariela Muñoz.Astronomers smile while looking at data from SOFIA’s telescope.Shuttle Endeavour was ferried to Los Angeles, briefly flying over the California state capitol, Sacramento, then demated from its NASA...