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Shane Dover

Shane Dover

Director, Aircraft Capability Management Office

Shane Dover is the Director of the Aircraft Capability Management Office within the Mission Support Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. In this role,  Dover is responsible for the centralized management and strategic planning of NASA aircraft capability, capacity and the efficient use of NASA aviation related resources. Dover provides functional leadership and support to the NASA Administrator as the Agency’s Senior Aviation Management Official.  

Prior to this assignment, Dover served as the Director of the Research Services Directorate and the Chief of Flight Operations at NASA Langley Research Center, where he was the senior line authority of research flight activities, Uninhabited Aerial Systems (UAS), and research flight simulator operations. Previously, Dover held numerous positions within NASA to include: Chief of Flight Operations at Goddard Space Flight Center / Wallops Flight Facility, Aviation Safety Officer, Airworthiness and Maintenance Manager, Test Director, and NASA Research Pilot. His awards within NASA include multiple Honor Awards, NASA’s Agency Honor Award for Outstanding Leadership, and the Interagency Committee for Aviation Policy (ICAP) Federal Aviation Professional Manager Award. 

Dover, a native of South Portland, ME, graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) with a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering. He was commissioned an Officer in the United States Navy through the Navy ROTC program and achieved the rank of Captain. His Navy career encompassed more than 25 years of combined military service, including multiple world-wide deployments, as well as tours as a Squadron Commanding Officer, Squadron Executive Officer, Commanding Officer of the Office of Naval Research, Naval Research Laboratory, Science and Technology Unit 105 and numerous personal qualifications including Naval Aviator, Instructor, Mission Commander, and Weapons Tactics Instructor.  

Dover currently lives with his family in Yorktown, VA. 

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Shane Dover

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