Meet the Center CFOs

Ken Ledbetter, Ames Research Center (ARC)
Chief Financial Officer at NASA’s Ames Research Center at Moffett Field in California. He was appointed to the position in October 2022. In this capacity, he leads a civil service and contractor workforce of 150 people in the management of the Center’s portfolio totaling approximately $900 million.

Frank M. Ramos, Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC)
Chief Financial Officer at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base in California. He was appointed to the position in October 2020.

Vicki L. Hagerman, Glenn Research Center (GRC)
Chief Financial Officer at NASA’s John H. Glenn Research Center in Cleveland. In this position, she is responsible for ensuring the financial health of the center, which includes managing Glenn’s resources towards the achievement of NASA’s strategic plan. Hagerman oversees the center’s budget, financial planning, accounting business systems, financial audits and internal controls and cost-estimating activities.

Lisa Kelleher, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). She ensures the financial health of GSFC’s $4B annual budget by leading and managing nearly 600 civil servant and contractor business personnel in the development, implementation, and administration of all Center budgeting, finance, accounting, business systems, financial audits/internal controls, and cost-estimating activities that enable the effective management, control, and reporting of the government’s assets.

Sid Schmidt, Johnson Space Center (JSC)
Chief Financial Officer for the Johnson Space Center (JSC) joined JSC full-time in 1992. Mr. Schmidt oversees the financial health of JSC and ensures its resources are effectively utilized to achieve NASA’s strategic plan. He is responsible for JSC’s budget and financial operations that encompasses the planning, implementation, management, and control of all business functions throughout the Center.

Janice Robertson, Kennedy Space Center (KSC)
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC), FL. She is responsible for assisting the CFO manage the full range of specialized technical and professional Enterprise OCFO services necessary to provide comprehensive financial and resources advice to the OCFO Enterprise Leadership, KSC Center Director and other senior Center management in strategy development, planning, and policy making.

Kanama M. Bivins, Langley Research Center (LaRC)
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. In this position, she is responsible for ensuring the financial health of the center, which includes managing Langley’s resources towards the achievement of NASA’s strategic plan. She oversees the center’s budget, financial planning, accounting business systems, financial audits and internal controls and cost-estimating activities.

Rhega C. Gordon, Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC)
Chief Financial Officer at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. After serving as Deputy since 2013, she was named to the position in February 2019. Gordon oversees implementation and administration of integrated Marshall Center NASA financial management, including all aspects of resources planning, programming, budgeting and execution processes, and guidelines and controls for accounting and management of financial resources.

Deborah S. Norton, Stennis Space Center (SSC)
Chief Financial Officer at NASA’s John C. Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis, Miss. As the Chief Financial Officer, Deborah oversees the business of Stennis Space Center with the implementation and administration of all integrated Stennis and NASA financial management, including all aspects of planning, programming, budget and execution processes and guidelines for distribution of financial resources.
Center CFO Offices
Each NASA Center has an Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), directed by the Center CFO. The Center offices have primary responsibility for the day-to-day financial activities needed to execute and account for operations and carryout fiscal responsibilities, as well as strategic initiatives that support the Agency. Each is structured to best meet their organization’s requirements at that Center.
Learn more about OCFO about Center CFO Offices