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Contract Property Management

NASA’s Program Manager – Ann Cuyler, (202) 355-3093

Contract Property Management

The Contract Property Program Manager (CPPM) function, in the Headquarters Logistics Management Division, seeks to achieve successful and cost-effective administration of NASA’s award recipients held assets. The largest portion and many of NASA’s most important assets are in the custody of and managed by its award recipients.

The Agency’s CPPM provides guidance and oversight in accordance with applicable laws, policies, and regulatory guidance as outlined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), NASA FAR Supplement, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), NASA Policy Directive (NPD) and NASA Procedural Requirement (NPR) 4500.1, Administration of Property in the Custody of Award Recipients for the management of industrial property assets in the custody of NASA’s award recipients in support of NASA’s mission.

The CPPM advises on Government Property (GP); participates in the construction of the solicitation – assist the Contract Officer (CO)/Grant Officer (GO) in determining the appropriate application of clauses, terms, and solicitation provisions based on the anticipated NASA award circumstances. Oversees, audits and evaluates NASA award recipient’s performance of GP is managed through the Property Management System Analysis (PMSA), develops and applies risk-based assessment strategies in the performance of property management. Participates in post-award conferences, ensures GP is appropriately disposition and all property related actions are complete and documented. Reviews reports submitted by internal and external Agency Property Administrators. Supports internal and external audits in the Agency.

This includes generation of NASA award language, regulation and assuring appropriate oversight. Working with other agencies, the Contract Property Program function promotes the effective use of all Government oversight resources provided by other agencies and prevents unnecessary duplication of oversight efforts.

NASA Electronic Submission System (NESS) is the Agency’s Accountable Property System of Record (APSR) for all NASA property in the hands of NASA award recipients under NASA’s HQ-Contract Property Program. CPPM manages the system with all NASA award recipients annual and final property submissions; and PMSA conducted by assigned Government Property Administrators whether NASA or Federal Industry Partner (FIP) who assist NASA for property administration. NASA award recipients submit annual/final property submissions by accessing NESS via

NESS is a web-based reporting tool used by both NASA award recipients with property associated and Federal government property administrators  The web-based reporting tool has the electronic NASA Form (NF) 1018 – NASA Property In the Custody of Award Recipients. The NF-1018 is automatically generated inside of NESS and electronically submitted to NASA for annual and final submissions by the NASA award recipients. NASA’s CPPM offers numerous annual trainings and assistance to all NASA award recipients enable for accurate property submission.

In addition, the CPPM  establishes and maintains the official copy of the Industrial Property Officer (IPO) NASA property data files and information uploaded in NESS.  Assist the CO/GO in establishing appropriate property administration and plant clearance for NASA awards.  Review and approve or disapprove the work of subordinate Property Administrators to ensure compliance with Generally Accepted Government Audit Standards (GAGAS).

Center Responsibilities

NASA’s Industrial Property Officers (IPOs) are responsible for administration of the function within their own centers. IPOs serve as the lynchpin between NASA award functions, logistics functions, external property administrators and the award recipients themselves. Their activities are critical to the NASA award property administration effort.

The function leads the Agency’s administration of NASA award recipient held assets. Assist NASA award recipients and property administrators to account for and report our assets.  IPOs offers annual training and assistance to all NASA award recipients enable for accurate submit information. NESS accounts are created by NASA Centers Industrial Property Officers (IPOs), Property Administrators and or by NASA-HQ CPPM.

The function promulgates policies fostering appropriate management controls that limit risk of loss, damage, destruction or misuse of NASA’s personal property. This includes generation of NASA award language, regulation and assuring appropriate oversight. Working with other agencies, the property function promotes the effective use of Government oversight resources provided by those agencies and prevents unnecessary duplication of oversight efforts.

Important Links

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NASA Centers and Sub-Installations POCs: 

NASA Headquarters Contract Property Program Manager (CPPM):  (202) 355-3093

AMES Research Center (ARC) IPO: (202) 355-3093

Armstrong Research Flight Center (ARFC) IPO: (661) 276-2514

Glenn Research Center (GRC) IPO: (216) 433-3142

Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) IPO: (301) 286-4802

Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Sub-Installation
Wallops Flight Facility (WFF)

Headquarters (HQ) IPO: (301) 286-6959

Headquarters (HQ) Sub-Installation
NASA Office of JPL Management Oversight (NOJMO)/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) IPO: (281) 483-0556

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) Sub-Installation
White Sands Test Facility

John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) IPO:, (321) 867-8567

Langley Research Center (LARC) IPO: (757) 864-1020

George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) IPO: (256) 544-7887

Marshall C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Sub-Installation
Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF)

NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) IPO: (228) 813-6304

Stennis Space Center (SSC) IPO: (228) 668-2834

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