F/A-18B Systems Research AircraftF/A-18B Systems Research Aircraft (SRA) in banked flight over southern California desert.NASA Dryden Flight Research Center's F-18B Systems Research Aircraft on an External Vision System project flight.This L-shaped probe mounted on the forward fuselage of the modified F/A-18 Systems Research Aircraft was the focus of an...NASA Dryden Flight Research Center's F-18B Systems Research Aircraft on an External Vision System project flight.This under-the-nose view of the modified F/A-18 Systems Research Aircraft at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA, showed three...F-18 Systems Research Aircraft (SRA) in flightF/A-18B Systems Research Aircraft (SRA) in flight over rocket test site at Edwards AFB.NASA research pilot Jim Smolka prepares to take off in NASA's F-18 Systems Research Aircraft for an External Vision System...NASA Dryden Flight Research Center's F/A-18 Systems Research Aircraft (SRA).NASA Dryden Flight Research Center's F/A-18 Systems Research Aircraft (SRA).The right vertical stabilizer of NASA's F/A-18 Systems Research Aircraft now sports a green fiberglass end cap.NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif., used this modified F/A-18 aircraft, also known as the Systems Research Aircraft (SRA),...F-18 Systems Research Aircraft (SRA) in flightAn HD display is mounted on top of the rear instrument panel in NASA's F-18 SRA aircraft, as NASA is...The small numbers on the nose of this F/A-18 aircraft at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif., show the...NASA is partnering with Gulfstream on the External Vision System project to demonstrate the use of an HD video system...NASA Dryden Flight Research Center's F-18B Systems Research Aircraft on an External Vision System project flight.Small numbers on the nose cap of the F/A-18 Systems Research Aircraft at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA,...Bob Cummings, a technician at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, checks out a new "Smart Skin" antenna mounted...NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA, used this early-model F/A-18 Hornet as a flying research platform to evaluate a...One of NASA's F/A-18 Hornets on the ramp at the Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California at dawn August 6,...The highly-modified F/A-18 Systems Research Aircraft (SRA) flown by the Dryden Flight Research Center in a joint NASA/DOD/industry research project...NASA's Systems Research Aircraft (SRA), a highly modified F/A-18 jet fighter, shows its colors during a research flight.This bright blue-and-white twin-jet aircraft may have looked like an ordinary F/A-18 Hornet fighter, but inside it was a different...NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif., used this early-model F/A-18 Hornet as a flying research platform to evaluate emerging...NASA Dryden Flight Research Center's Systems Research Aircraft (SRA), a highly modified F/A-18 jet fighter, during a research flight.A highly modified F/A-18B Hornet flown by NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center settles toward the runway at Edwards Air Force...NASA Dryden Flight Research Center's F-18B Systems Research Aircraft on an External Vision System project flight.A new "Smart Skin" antenna mounted on the tip of the right vertical fin of the F/A-18 Systems Research Aircraft.A new "Smart Skin" antenna, shown here on top of the right vertical stabilizer of the F/A-18 Systems Rearch Aircraft...An HD camera is mounted behind the head-up display of NASA's F-18 SRA aircraft. NASA is partnering with Gulfstream on...Gulfstream project pilot Tom Horne readies to fly an External Vision System project flight from the backseat of NASA's F-18...The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Systems Research Aircraft (SRA), a highly modified F-18 jet fighter, during a research flight....A NASA F/A-18, specially modified to test the newest and most advanced system technologies, on its first research flight on...The vertical stabilizers in NASA's F/A-18 Systems Research Aircraft were no longer mirror images of each other. A new "Smart...NASA's F/A-18 Hornet is seen here in a banked turn over Rogers Dry Lake in the Mojave desert on an...The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Systems Research Aircraft (SRA), a highly modified F-18 jet fighter, on an early research...