Flight Institutional Animal Care and Use (FIACUC)
The Flight Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) oversees animal research in flight and space, which includes research on the International Space Station. It is one of multiple NASA IACUCs charged with ensuring the humane and responsible use of research animals. All NASA IACUCs adhere to USDA Animal Welfare Regulations, Public Health Service Policy, ILAR Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, NASA Principles for the Ethical Care and use of Animals, and relevant NASA Program Directives and Requirements. These laws, regulations, policies, directives, and requirements apply to all vertebrate animals and higher order cephalopods. Additional information on regulatory information and NASA IACUCs can be found at the Chief Veterinary Officer website.
Animal Care and Use Regulations
Humane Animal Care and Use
Animals used in NASA-supported research or training receive humane and responsible care and use in accordance with federal animal welfare laws, regulations, policies, and guidelines. Any person who witnesses or suspects the misuse of animals, inadequate animal care, or other noncompliance is encouraged to report their concern(s) to:
Flight IACUC Chair, HQ-FIACUC-Chair@nasa.gov
Flight Attending Veterinarian, 210-439-1855, HQ-FIACUC-AV@nasa.gov
Flight Institutional Official, 832-671-5991, HQ-FIACUC-InstitutionalOfficial@nasa.gov
Office of Research Assurance, hq-oora@mail.nasa.gov
ANONYMOUS concerns may be submitted through the Office of Research Assurance at Phone: 281-244-1800
You are protected by federal law from retaliation.
NO adverse action will be taken against you.
You may remain anonymous.