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Stock imagery of a meeting room with a team of people. On the wall is a large art print that says NASA Advisory Council Aeronautics Committee
Artist illustration of the X-59 in flight over a surbuban neighborhood.
Airplane outside it's gate at the airport.

NASA Advisory Council Aeronautics Committee

The Aeronautics Committee advises the NASA Administrator through the NASA Advisory Council on strategic plans, programs, policies and other matters pertinent to the Agency’s responsibilities for aeronautics research and development.

Aeronautics Committee Terms of Reference about NASA Advisory Council Aeronautics Committee

The NASA Advisory Council Aeronautics Committee’s advice spans basic research and technology applicable to all areas of aviation that are under the purview of the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD). These areas include but are not limited to commercial air transportation, advanced air vehicles, aviation safety, and air transportation system technology research, development, and demonstration.

The Aeronautics Committee meets in advance of the meetings of the full NASA Advisory Council. Meetings are open to the public and are announced on this website, as well as in the Federal Register. The Committee’s members are appointed by the NASA Administrator and represent a balance of broad technical and customer expertise with members from industry, academia, and professional organizations. Committee members are appointed for two years.

(NOTE: Embedded text links on this page are to PDF files.)

Upcoming Meeting

June 26, 2024 (Virtual)

Agenda (June 26, 2024-NAC-Aero)

Past Meeting Agendas, Minutes, Reports


March 13, 2024 (NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC)

Minutes (March 13, 2024-NAC-Aero)

Agenda (March 13, 2024-NAC-Aero)

Aero Report (May 2024)


Meet the NASA Advisory Council Aeronautics Committee

Read their brief bios about Meet the NASA Advisory Council Aeronautics Committee
NAC Committee Members from the March 2024 meeting
Members of the Aeronautics Committee of the NASA Advisory Council group photo.
NASA / Andrew Carlsen


November 29-30, 2023 (Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH)

Agenda (Nov 29–30, 2023-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (Nov 29–30, 2023-NAC-Aero)

NAC committee members at the Nov 2023 Glenn Research Meeting touring a facility.

June 6, 2023 (NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC)

Agenda (June 6, 2023-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (June 6, 2023-NAC-Aero)

March 22, 2023 (Armstrong Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA)

Agenda (March 22, 2023-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (March 22, 2023-NAC-Aero)

NAC Committee members from the 2023 March meeting in a tour of the X-59.
Eight people pose beneath a full-sized rocket plane on display in front of an office building.
NASA / John Gould


November 30, 2022 (NASA Headquarters, Washington DC)

Agenda (November 30, 2022-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (November 30, 2022-NAC-Aero)

Aero Report (January 18, 2023)

August 31–September 1, 2022 (Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, CA)

Agenda (August 31-September 1, 2022-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (August 31-September 1, 2022-NAC-Aero)

NAC Committee members from the August 2022 meeting at Ames Research Center.

April 27, 2022 (Virtual)

Agenda (April 27, 2022-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (April 27, 2022-NAC-Aero)


December 15, 2021 (Virtual)

Agenda (December 15, 2021-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (December 15, 2021-NAC-Aero)

Aeronautics Committee Report (PDF)

March 17, 2021 (NASA Headquarters, Washington DC) Virtual Event

Agenda (March 17, 2021-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (March 17, 2021-NAC-Aero)


November 10, 2020 (NASA Headquarters, Washington DC) Virtual Event

Agenda (November 10, 2020-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (November 10, 2020-NAC-Aero)

July 8, 2020 (NASA Headquarters, Washington DC) Virtual Event

Agenda (July 8, 2020-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (July 9, 2020-NAC-Aero)

March 17, 2020 (NASA Headquarters, Washington DC)

Agenda (March 17, 2020-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (March 17, 2020–NAC-Aero)


November 21-22, 2019 (National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, VA)

Agenda (Nov 21-22, 2019-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (Nov 21-22, 2019-NAC-Aero)

July (NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH)

Agenda (July 24-25, 2019–NAC–Aero)

Minutes (July 24-25, 2019-NAC-Aero)

NAC Committee members from 2019 Glenn meeting in a group photo with some standing on the stairs.
NAC Committee members from the May 2019 meeting at Glenn Research Center standing in a wind tunnel.

March 20, 2019 (NASA Headquarters, Washington DC)

Agenda (March 20, 2019–NAC-Aero)

Minutes (March 20, 2019-NAC-Aero)


November 15, 2018 (NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA)

Agenda (November 15, 2018-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (November 15, 2018-NAC-Aero)

August 28, 2018 (NASA Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, CA)

Agenda (August 28, 2018-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (August 28, 2018-NAC-Aero)

NAC Committee members at Ames Research Center standing in front of two aircraft models.
NASA Advisory Council, NAC Aeronautics Committee from left to right are Irma Rodriguez, Tom Shih, Michael Francis, John Borghese, Scott Drennan, And Nanduri, John-Paul Clarke, Karen Thole in UTM Lab N-262.

March 14, 2018 (NASA Headquarters, Washington DC)

Agenda (March 14, 2018-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (March 14, 2018-NAC-Aero)


November 15-16, 2017 (AERO Institute, Palmdale, CA)

Agenda (November 15-16, 2017-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (November 15-16, 2017-NAC-Aero)

July 25, 2017 (National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, VA)

Agenda (July 25, 2017-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (July 25, 2017-NAC-Aero)

March 22, 2017 (NASA Headquarters, Washington DC)

Agenda (Mar 22, 2017-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (March 22, 2017-NAC-Aero)


November 14-15, 2016 (NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA)

Agenda (Nov 14-15, 2016-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (Nov 14-15, 2016-NAC-Aero)

July 26, 2016 (Ohio Aerospace Institute, Cleveland, OH)

Agenda (July 26, 2016-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (July 26, 2016-NAC-Aero)

March 23, 2016 (NASA HQ, Washington, DC)

Agenda (Mar 23, 2016-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (Mar 23, 2016-NAC-Aero)


November 12, 2015 (NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC)

Agenda (Nov. 12, 2015-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (Nov. 12, 2015-NAC-Aero)

July 28, 2015 (JPL, Pasadena, CA)

Minutes (Jul 28, 2015-NAC-Aero)

March 26, 2015 (NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC)

Agenda (Mar 26, 2015-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (Mar 26, 2015-NAC-Aero)

NAC 2015 Committee meeting members photo on the bottom with a photo of the original black and white NAC members on top.


December 4, 2014 (NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA)

Agenda (Dec 4, 2014-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (Dec 4, 2014-NAC-Aero)

July 29, 2014 (Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA)

Agenda (Jul 29, 2014-NAC-Aero)

March 27-March 28, 2014 (NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC)

Agenda (Mar 27-28, 2014-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (Mar 27-28, 2014-NAC-Aero)


December 3, 2013 (Langley Research Center, Moffett Field, CA)

Agenda (Dec 3, 2013-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (Dec 3, 2013-NAC-Aero)

July 30, 2013 (NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC)

Agenda (Jul 30, 2013-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (Jul 30, 2013-NAC-Aero)

February 28-March 1, 2013 (NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC)

Agenda (Feb28-Mar1, 2013-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (Feb28-Mar1, 2013-NAC-Aero)


October 25-26, 2012 (Cleveland, OH)

Agenda (Oct 25-26, 2012-NAC-Aero)

July 24, 2012 (Greenbelt, MD)

Agenda (July 24, 2012-NAC-Aero)


October 13, 2011 (NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC)

Agenda (Oct 13, 2011-NAC-Aero)

August 2-3, 2011 Meeting

Agenda (Aug 2-3, 2011-NAC-Aero)

April 14, 2011 Meeting

Agenda (Apr 14, 2011-NAC-Aero)

January 20-21, 2011 Meeting

Agenda (Jan 20-21, 2011-NAC-Aero)

Minutes (Jan 20-21, 2011-NAC-Aero)


April 23, 2010 Meeting

Agenda (Apr 23, 2010-NAC-Aero)

February 16-17, 2010 Meeting

Agenda (Feb 16-17, 2010-NAC-Aero)

ARMD Programs

NASA’s aeronautical research is organized into four major programs. Learn about them here.

Advanced Air Vehicles Program

Advanced Air Vehicles Program studies, evaluates and develops technologies and capabilities for new aircraft systems, and also explores far-future concepts that hold promise for revolutionary air-travel improvements.

Airspace Operations and Safety Program

Airspace Operations and Safety Program works with the Federal Aviation Administration, industry and academic partners to conceive and develop Next Generation Air Transportation System technologies to further improve the safety of current and future aircraft.

Integrated Aviation Systems Program

Integrated Aviation Systems Program conducts flight-oriented, system-level research and technology development to effectively mature and transition advanced aeronautic technologies into future air vehicles and operational systems.

Transformative Aeronautics Concepts Program

Transformative Aeronautics Concepts Program cultivates concept and capabilities that inspire new solution paths, enable innovative design, and lead to technologies that transform aviation.

Other Aeronautics topics

Artist illustration of the X-59 in flight over a surbuban neighborhood.

Research about flying faster than the speed of sound.

Aerospace Cognitive Engineering Lab Rapid Automation Test Environment; (ACEL-RATE) in N262 showing out-the-window views of San Francisco for UAM UTM Ride Quality Simulation project.

Stories about pioneering the frontiers of 21st century flight.

The Moog SureFly aircraft hovers above Cincinnati Municipal Airport during an acoustic hover test.

All about new ways to get from here to there in the air.

In this image, captured using data from a wind-tunnel test, the red and orange areas represent higher drag, and the green and bl

Learn about research to make aviation more sustainable.

Airplane outside it's gate at the airport.

Read about how NASA is opening up the sky for all.