Boat Basin and Visitor’s Center (Operable Unit 09)
Operable Unit 09 (OU 09), Boat Basin and Visitor’s Center site, also known as FUDS Project 7, is a Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP) site which includes four areas: Visitor’s Information Center Area, Pyrotechnics Burn Area, Gun Butts 1 and 2 area, and South Boat Bank Boat Basin. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) conducted environmental investigations prior to transferring the site to NASA. NASA is currently finalizing a Remedial Investigation report using data collected by USACE.
Previous Investigations
Focused Archive Search Report – In 2005, NASA funded the USACE St. Louis District to conduct an Archive Search Report (ASR) to investigate and document past historical uses of the Visitor Center area. The ASR concluded the area had been used as a Test Cell to ground test aircraft guns, rocket projectors, and jet engines. The Test Cell included a production test range, an experimental range, and a ready service magazine. An approximate 4-acre portion of open lawn east of the Visitor Center was the former location of the Test Cell and the firing-in butts.
Unexploded Ordnance Clearance – In 2006, NASA completed unexploded ordnance (UXO) clearance activities to locate, identify, and remove UXO and material potentially presenting an explosive hazard (MPPEH) from the top 12 inches of soil at the Visitor Center area. Over 1200 munitions items were removed from the surface and top 12 inches of the investigated area. No live or fused MPPEH were found during the investigation.
Site Inspection – In 2012, USACE completed a Site Inspection Report to determine if Project 7 warranted further investigation under CERCLA based on data collection to evaluate the presence of MEC or Munitions Constituents (MC). The Site Inspection Report concluded a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study was recommended.
MEC Surface Clearance – In 2013, due to frost heave cycles and erosion, several MD were identified near the Visitor Center area. NASA completed a detector-aided MEC surface clearance to address items on the surface. No MEC or MPPEH was recovered during the clearance activities. High concentrations of additional anomalies were detected below the surface throughout the Visitor Center area.
Final Work Plan for Remedial Investigation – In 2014, USACE completed the Remedial Investigation Work Plan which described the technical approach to determine the nature and extent of MEC, MC, and chemical constituents associated with munitions-related activities that may be present within the Project 7 area.
Final Technical Memorandum #2 Anomaly Investigation Results and Sampling Investigation – In 2014, USACE conducted an intrusive investigation at each of the four Project 7 areas in conjunction with Remedial Investigation activities. Almost 300 MD items were identified, in addition to one potential 20 mm discarded military munition. This item in addition to a few other items not cleared of dirt were destroyed to adhere to regulations regarding the inspection of MPPEH.
2022 Time Critical Removal Action
Action Memorandum – NASA documented the decision to conduct a time-critical removal action (TCRA) for MEC Support Services. The TCRA activities include a MEC surface sweep to remove potential UXO and other metal scrap from the grass area behind the Visitor Center.
TCRA Work Plan – The TCRA Work Plan describes the technical approach for performing MEC support services at OU 9. The planned activities include an MEC surface sweep to remove potential UXO and other metal scrap from the grass area located behind the Visitor Center.
For any questions regarding Operable Unit 09, please contact:
Kristi Francisco
Restoration Project Manager
NASA Wallops Flight Facility
Mailstop: 250.W
Wallops Island, VA 23337