F-15B TN 836 Aeronautics Research TestbedA new supersonic probe seen affixed to a F-15B flight test fixture might one day measure the sonic booms of...Left to right: workhorse F-15B #836, "Mr. Bones" F-15D #884, and "2nd to None" F-15D #897 on the back ramp...NASA photographer Jim Ross captured this shot while pilot Troy Asher flew inverted in an F-15D. The F-15B is seen...Dryden electronics technician Chris Brooke of Computer Science Corp. prepared the Supersonic Boundary Layer Transition - Phase II, or SBLT-II,...NASA Dryden's F-15B Research Test bed roared aloft from the Edwards AFB main runway for a Supersonic Boundary Layer Transition...Aerion Corporation's test article used in the initial Supersonic Boundary Layer Transition flight test project in 2010 was shown attached...The Eagle Aero probes fly attached to the centerline instrumented pylon, or CLIP, underneath NASA's F-15B research test bed aircraft.The Eagle Aero probes flew attached to the red device underneath NASA's F-15B research test bed aircraft.The Eagle Aero probes flew attached to the red device underneath NASA's F-15B research test bed aircraft.NASA's modified McDonnell Douglas F-15B Eagle aeronautical research aircraft is shown flying over Lake Isabella in Southern California's Kern County.One of NASA's two F-15 research aircraft gets refueled in mid-air over Lake Isabella from a USAF KC-135 tanker while...Group photo following the 300th NASA Dryden flight of F-15B #836.NASA F-15B research aircraft #836 shadows its stablemate, F-15B #837, during an Intelligent Flight Control System mission from NASA Dryden.NASA's F-15B research testbed jet from NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center flew in the supersonic shockwave of a Northrop Grumman...Test panels covered with an advanced foam insulation material for the Space Shuttle's giant external fuel tank were test flown...NASA's F-15B Research Testbed aircraft flew instrumentation in June 2004 called the Local Mach Investigation (LMI), designed to gather local...NASA's F-15B carrying thermal insulation foam on its flight test fixture was shadowed by a NASA F-18B chase aircraft during...NASA's F-15B Research Testbed aircraft flew instrumentation in June 2004 called the Local Mach Investigation (LMI), designed to gather local...Test panels covered with an advanced foam insulation material for the Space Shuttle's giant external fuel tank were test flown...NASA Dryden Flight Research Center's new in-house designed Propulsion Flight Test Fixture (PFTF) is an airborne engine test facility that...Test panels covered with an advanced foam insulation material for the Space Shuttle's giant external fuel tank were test flown...A flight experiment conducted at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA, successfully demonstrated a new software data analysis tool,...A close up of the Flight Test Fixture II, mounted on the underside of the F-15B Aerodynamic Flight Facility aircraft.In a role-reversal, Northrop Grumman Corp.'s modified F-5E Shaped Sonic Boom Demonstration (SSBD) aircraft flies off the wing of NASA's...The primary goal of the SuperSonic Natural Laminar Flow experiment was to investigate the extent and stability of natural laminar...NASA's F-15B Research Testbed aircraft flew instrumentation in June 2004 called the Local Mach Investigation (LMI), designed to gather local...A close-up of the panels on the F-15B's flight test fixture showed five divots of thermal protection system (TPS) foam...F-15B on ramp showing closeup of the Supersonic Natural Laminar Flow (SS-NLF) experiment attached vertically to the centerline pylon.NASA's F-15B research testbed jet from the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center flew in the supersonic shockwave of a Northrop...Test panels covered with an advanced foam insulation material for the Space Shuttle's giant external fuel tank were test flown...Two panels of Space Shuttle thermal protection system (TPS) insulation were mounted on the flight test fixture underneath NASA's F-15B...Test panels covered with an advanced foam insulation material for the Space Shuttle's giant external fuel tank were test flown...A post-flight inspection of the panels on the F-15B's flight test fixture showed five divots of thermal protection system (TPS)...NASA's F-15B testbed aircraft in flight during the first evaluation flight of the joint NASA/Gulfstream Quiet Spike project. The project...NASA F-15B #836 in flight with Quiet Spike attached. The project sought to verify the structural integrity of the multi-segmented,...NASA F-15B #836 in flight with Quiet Spike attached. The project seeks to verify the structural integrity of the multi-segmented,...NASA F-15B #836 in flight with Quiet Spike attached.NASA's highly modified F-15, being used for digital electronic flight and engine control systems research, is seen here on a...NASA's F-15B Research Testbed aircraft recently flew in the supersonic shock wave of a U.S. Navy F-5E in support of...A flight experiment called the Aerostructures Test Wing (ATW) conducted at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA, successfully demonstrated...