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Orion spacecraft in the foreground and the Moon and Earth in the background on Flight Day 13 of the Artemis I mission. Orion reached its maximum distance from Earth during the Artemis I mission when it was 268,563 miles away from our home planet.

Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate

The Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate defines and manages systems development for programs critical to NASA’s Artemis program and planning for NASA’s Moon to Mars exploration approach. ESDMD manages the human exploration system development for lunar orbital, lunar surface, and Mars exploration. 

NASA has established the Moon to Mars Program Office within ESDMD to focus on hardware development, mission integration, and risk management functions for programs critical to the agency’s exploration approach. Artemis missions will open a new era of scientific discovery and economic opportunity at the Moon while validating operations and systems and to prepare for human missions to Mars. The Moon to Mars Program Office oversees development of the Space Launch System rocketOrion spacecraft, supporting ground systemshuman landing systemsspacesuitsGateway, and more related to deep space exploration. The new office will also lead planning and analysis for long-lead developments to support Mars missions.

ESDMD Leadership

Meet the leaders who are guiding NASA's return to the Moon through Artemis, and the future of human exploration at Mars.

Cathy Koerner is associate administrator of the Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters.

Catherine Koerner

Associate Administrator for Exploration Systems Development

Dr. Lori Glaze is the Acting Deputy Associate Administrator for NASA’s Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate (ESDMD).

Lori Glaze

Deputy Associate Administrator (Acting) for Exploration Systems Development

Ned Penley, Deputy Associate Administrator for Management

Ned Penley

Deputy Associate Administrator for Management

Moon to Mars Program Office

Portrait of Amit Kshatriya, who is deputy associate administrator for the Moon to Mars Program Office in NASA's Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate.

Amit Kshatriya

Deputy Associate Administrator, Moon to Mars Program Office

Official NASA portrait of Lakiesha Hawkins, Assistant Deputy Associate Administrator, Moon to Mars Program Office.

Lakiesha Hawkins

Assistant Deputy Associate Administrator, Moon to Mars Program Office

Photo of Stephen Creech, Assistant Deputy Associate Administrator for Technical, Moon to Mars Program Office

Steve Creech

Assistant Deputy Associate Administrator for Technical, Moon to Mars Program Office

Strategy and Architecture Office

Nujoud Merancy

Nujoud Merancy

Deputy Associate Administrator, Strategy and Architecture Office

ESDMD Programs

Explore the programs developing the hardware and systems to send humans to the Moon and Mars

Space Launch System (SLS)

Orion Spacecraft

Exploration Ground Systems Overview

Extravehicular Activity and Human Surface Mobility

Gateway Space Station News

Human Landing System

NASA astronaut Mike Hopkins in a spacesuit outside of the International Space Station during a spacewalk.

Humans in Space

Learn more about NASA's work in low Earth orbit and future plans for human missions to the Moon and Mars.

Latest News

Stay up-to-date with the latest on humanity's return to the Moon under Artemis and our future plans to explore Mars.

Ground Antenna Trio to Give NASA’s Artemis Campaign ‘LEGS’ to Stand On
5 min read

Background NASA’s LEGS can do more than help Earthlings move about the planet. Three Lunar Exploration Ground Sites, or LEGS,…

Exploring the Moon: Episode Previews
2 min read

Discover. Learn. Explore. NASA’s video series, Exploring the Moon, takes a “behind-the-scenes” look at humanity’s next steps on the Moon.…

From Polar Peaks to Celestial Heights: Christy Hansen’s Unique Path to Leading NASA’s Commercial Low Earth Orbit Development Program 
5 min read

Christy Hansen’s journey with NASA spans more than two decades and is marked by roles that have shaped her into…

Behind the Scenes of a NASA ‘Moonwalk’ in the Arizona Desert
9 min read

NASA astronauts Kate Rubins and Andre Douglas recently performed four moonwalk simulations to help NASA prepare for its Artemis III…

NASA Announces Winners of Inaugural Human Lander Challenge
4 min read

NASA’s 2024 Human Lander Challenge (HuLC) Forum brought 12 university teams from across the United States to Huntsville, Alabama, near…

NASA Celebrates 10 Years of Human Spaceflight’s NExT Pioneers
6 min read

Experienced spacewalkers, university students, flight controllers, and NASA team members at all stages of their career recently came together at…
