John A. McCullough
Deputy Associate Administrator for Integration, Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate
John McCullough currently serves as the Deputy Associate Administrator for Integration in the Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate (ESDMD) at NASA Headquarters, where he is responsible for integrating ESDMD mission-directorate-level exploration-related initiatives and coordination across the agency and with other government agencies. In addition, he conducts special assessments and NASA assignments such as leading aspects of the agency’s 2040 initiative.
McCullough previously served as the Director of JSC Exploration Architecture, Integration, and Science. There, he led integration of Artemis and Mars exploration architecture and concept development, mission analysis, exploration system engineering and integration support, astromaterials research and curation, and was responsible for the agency’s orbital debris program and the Commercial Lunar Payload System, or CLPS, project. During this period, he also created the JSC Program Management Development Initiative — a yearlong training program — and significantly assisted in the creation of the Extravehicular Activity and Human Mobility Program, as well as the JSC Business Development and Technology Integration Office.
In his prior role as Manager of the Orion Vehicle Integration Office, McCullough led all spacecraft systems engineering and integration, including integrated vehicle analysis. He directed requirements; design standards; Guidance, Navigation, and Control and loads development; and Orion integration with the Space Launch System, Exploration Ground Systems, and Gateway. He was responsible for leading numerous special projects and vehicle-level assessments, such as the Agency Exploration Mission-1 Crewed Mission Study.
For the last four years of the Space Shuttle Program and International Space Station assembly, McCullough was NASA’s Chief Flight Director for human spaceflight. He also served a headquarters detail where he led the agencywide development of a mission operations leadership capability team, bringing together human, robotic, and aircraft mission expertise from all 10 centers to improve operations approaches and techniques.
His extensive NASA experience includes eight years as a flight director, where he led flight control teams and crews for more than 620 shifts. McCullough also worked more than 20 space shuttle flights as a lead flight controller or flight director.