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OCS Seminars

Rick Guidice illustration of Earth and the sun

Richard Campbell: The Moon: Gateway to the Solar System

In 1972, the last human to walk on the Moon headed back to Earth. Is it time to go back? Join Richard Campbell as he explores the potential of a return of humans to the Moon. Much has been learned about the Moon since the Apollo missions, and interest in the Moon as a place of science, exploration and learning is growing. The Moon can be a catalyst to humankind traveling the solar system – it’s time to go back!

Richard Campbell is a technology entrepreneur and the co-host of the .NET Rocks, a software development podcast. His Geek Out series on .NET Rocks explores a large variety of technology topics including aerospace, alternative energy and whatever other cool technology catches his imagination. He also the chairman of Humanitarian Toolbox a charity that builds open source software for disaster relief organizations.