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Ames Center Chief Technologist

The Ames Center Chief Technologist (CCT) serves as the principal advisor and advocate on matters concerning Center technology initiatives, and is responsible for coordinating and tracking technology investments across the Center. The CCT Office also serves as the Center’s technology point of entry and contact with the Agency’s Office of the Chief Technologist (OCT), other NASA Centers, government agencies, academia and the commercial aerospace community. The Office is responsible for developing and executing innovative technology partnerships, technology transfer and commercial activities and the development of technology collaboration models for the Center. 

About Us about Ames Center Chief Technologist

FY24 Internal Research and Development (IRAD) Winners!

Congratulations to the 14 Ames IRAD Teams!

Read More about FY24 Internal Research and Development (IRAD) Winners!

FY25 Early Career Initiative (ECI)

The FY25 ECI cycle is closed and winners have been announced!

The FY26 ECI Call for Proposals is anticipated to be released around November, 2024. Please check back then for more details.

FY25 ECI Awards
Earth's atmosphere glimmers above the Pacific Ocean
Earth’s atmosphere glimmers in this photograph from the International Space Station as it soars into a radiant orbital sunrise 257 miles above the Pacific Ocean.

FY24 CIF Winners!

The Ames Office of the Center Chief Technologist is pleased to announce the winners of the FY24 Center Innovation Fund (CIF). We received over 50 highly innovative concepts, making this year’s selection a real challenge. Thank you to all who proposed!

Learn More about FY24 CIF Winners!
Technology Drives Exploration

The First Woman Graphic Novels
and Interactive Experiences

First Woman tells the tale of Callie Rodriguez, the first woman to explore the Moon. While Callie is a fictional character, the first female astronaut and person of color will soon set foot on the Moon – a historic milestone and part of upcoming NASA Artemis missions. Through a series of graphic novels and digital platforms, First Woman aims to captivate audiences and inspire the next generation of explorers who will return to the Moon.