Technical Facilities and Capabilities
The Exploration Technology Directorate supports many NASA missions and programs as well as commercial partners through its world-class facilities and capabilities. The Exploration Technology Directorate maintains and provides these facilities and capabilities through a combined civil service and contract staff of more than 900 skilled people, to be world-class leaders in these areas.
NASA Arc Jet Complex
The Ames Arc Jet Complex is the Agency’s primary ground test platform for long duration simulation of the environments and forces experienced by spacecraft during hypersonic entry in planetary atmospheres. The Complex is critical for supporting the development, testing, and evaluation of spacecraft thermal protection systems.
Autonomy and Robotics
Future space exploration missions require complex vehicles, planetary and space exploration platforms and habitats, operations, and robotic and autonomous assistants that adapt to complex, rapidly changing conditions, knowledge, and constraints. They also strive to increase performance, productivity, efficiency, improve science return, enhance safety, and reduce cost for these missions.
Information and Software Technologies
Providing leadership in computational sciences for NASA applications, including software research and development for autonomy, robotics, decision-making tools, quantum computing approaches, and software reliability and robustness, as well as software systems for data mining, analysis, integration, and management; ground and flight; integrated health management; systems safety; and mission assurance.
Human-Computer Interaction
Human-Computer-Interaction Capability focuses on development of human-centered design and operations of complex aerospace systems. The approach enables deployment and integration of mission software with appropriate functionality and user interfaces that support effectiveness and efficiency of operations by scientists and engineers on some of NASA’s largest programs.