JSC’s lighting team plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and functionality of current vehicles (International Space Station, Commercial Crew, Cargo and Orion) as well as future space vehicles. We provide internal and external lighting requirements verification, lamp and system lighting design, modeling and precise test and measurement of lighting and camera systems, as well as the simulation of orbital and planetary surface lighting environments.

Ovens & Freezers
JSC provides capabilities to handle unique needs for temperature extremes. The Cold Stowage team offers controlled environments to meet precise temperature requirements during ascent, on-orbit operations, and return of payloads and science experiments, enabling unique ISS science and research. Additionally, JSC provides access to advanced thermal chambers, including autoclaves and ovens.

Typical uses of our vacuum chambers have included development, engineering evaluation, and qualification testing of spacecraft components, subassemblies, and vehicles; preflight thermal-vacuum conditioning of flight hardware; development and calibration of instruments for use in the large chambers or in-flight; spacecraft seal studies; photographic film emulsion studies; and optical surface contamination studies.

Thermal Vacuum
JSC thermal-vacuum test facilities provide thermal-vacuum chamber test operations for both crewed and uncrewed test environments. The facilities offer a wide range of performance capability, which can be matched to the individual test requirements of smaller test articles or large test article components and subsystems.

JSC’s uniquely skilled team serves as the NASA-wide resource for space toxicology by assessing chemical toxicity to establish spacecraft maximum allowable concentrations (SMACs), spacecraft water exposure guidelines (SWEGs), assigning toxicity hazard levels to all compounds that could enter the habitable area of a spacecraft, performing offgas testing of flight hardware and whole modules, and monitoring and analyzing air quality in human space vehicles.
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