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Fun Facts and Shareables

Astronauts Mark and Scott Kelly

Fun Facts and Shareables

Did you know that for nearly one year, retired astronaut Scott Kelly came into contact with only 12 humans? Living aboard the International Space Station for 340 days established a record-breaking mission for NASA. When Scott Kelly’s identical twin brother, Mark (also a retired astronaut), agreed to participate in the unique Twins Study, it sparked another record-breaking opportunity: the chance to investigate nature vs. nurture on Earth and in space. Over the course of the investigation, a mind-boggling 10 billion miles of DNA were involved!

It’s not surprising that the landmark Twins Study revealed unexpected twists and turns. To learn more about the trail of samples that traveled hundreds of miles from Earth to California, New York, Virginia, Texas, and Colorado, read this story: Follow the Blood: NASA labs process astronaut blood for Twins Study. For a fascinating summary of the Twins Study findings, read NASA’s Twins Study Results Published in Science.

Read more about the results of the Twins Study investigations in a special issue of Science. For a shorter summary of the Science article, download this one-page abstract. To hear directly from the principal investigators, listen to this NASA teleconference about the Twins Study. Viewers had the opportunity to ask the investigators about the Twins Study in this Reddit AMA.    

Download the shareables below to discover more fun facts about the landmark Twins Study and the amazing people who participated in it. A set of FAQs, compiled with the help of each of the Twins Investigators, can be found here.

Results At-a-Glance

By the Numbers(Front)

By the Numbers(Back)

Twins Study Research Integration

OMICS Poster

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