International Space Station
Benefits for Humanity
The International Space Station is an unprecedented achievement in global human endeavors to conceive, plan, build, operate, and utilize a research platform in space. With assembly of station at completion, continuity of visiting vehicles, and support of a full-time crew of six, the era of utilization for research advances.
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Technology Transfer and Spinoffs
There's more space in your life than you think!
Technologies developed for missions in exploration and discovery are broadly available to the public, maximizing NASA’s benefits to humanity.
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International Collaboration
Nations across Earth collaborate to explore space, making ground-breaking scientific discoveries for the benefit of humanity.

Cooperation Aboard the International Space Station
One of the greatest technological feats of humanity, the International Space Station is a marvel in planning and coordination across many nations and programs.

International Space Exploration Coordination Group
Together with 26 other space agencies, NASA participates in the International Space Exploration Coordination Group to advance a long-range human space exploration strategy.

Artemis Accords
The Artemis Accords describe a shared vision for principles, grounded in the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, to create a safe and transparent environment which facilitates exploration, science, and commercial activities for all of humanity to enjoy.

Office of International and Interagency Relations
NASA's Office of International and Interagency Relations (OIIR) is to provide executive leadership and coordination for all NASA international and interagency activities and partnerships. . .
Learn More about How Human Space Exploration Benefits You

International Space Station Benefits for Humanity
The 2022 edition of the International Space Station Benefits for Humanity publication is packed with numerous benefits of the microgravity laboratory highlighting groundbreaking discoveries helping society, technologies tested for future space exploration, new scientific breakthroughs, and contributions to the growing low-Earth orbit economy.