Policy Resources
This webpage is a brief overview of some of the online resources available to people researching NASA policies and the policies of other agencies. Lists of databases, document collections, and our current journal subscriptions can be found elsewhere on this website.
All items are available at the Headquarters Library, except as noted. NASA Headquarters employees and contractors: call (x0168) or email Library@hq.nasa.gov for information on borrowing or in-library use of any of these items. Members of the public, contact your Local Library for the availability of these items. NASA Headquarters employees can request additional materials or research on this topic. The Library welcomes your comments or suggestions about this webpage.
- Environmental Impact of NASA
- Legislative Research and Space Law
NASA Sites
NASA Space Act Agreements Community of Practice – NASA has the ability to enter into special agreements, called Space Act Agreements, to further the aims of the agency.
NASA History Office, Headquarters – Includes many electronic books.
NASA Office of Inspector General (OIG) – full-text reports, audits, memoranda, testimony, etc.
NASA Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs – congressional hearings and testimony relevant to NASA and NASA’s mission.
Management and Policy Documents – Collected scans of policies, reports, and other documents important to NASA operations.
NASA Procurement Reference Library – NASA FAR Supplement, Grant and Cooperative Agreement Handbook, and guidance for submitting unsolicited proposals.
NASA Technical Standards – This site has both a public side, which allows users to read NASA’s own standards, standards of the Defense Department, and standards of the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems.
Analysis and Reports
Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports – Open CRS – “A project of the Center for Democracy & Technology through the cooperation of several organizations and collectors of CRS Reports, Open CRS provides citizens access to CRS Reports already in the public domain…”
Federation of American Scientists Space Policy Project – Collection of full-text space policy documents, a World Space Guide, military space documents, and related resources.
National Academy Press – full-text books from the Academies and the National Research Council.
National Science Foundation – full-text documents from 1996 to present. Includes statistical reports on science and engineering research, funding, and education.
Office of Management and Budget – OMB circulars, memoranda and reports.
Office of Science & Technology Policy – recent reports from the office. To see older reports, check the archive.
Rules and Regulations
NASA Headquarters Office of Safety and Mission Assurance Documents – directives, standards, plans, reference documents, and office work instructions.
NASA Online Directives Information System (NODIS) – Full-text NASA Policy Directives (NPDs), Policy Charters (NPCs), and Procedures and Guidelines (NPGs), formerly known as NHBs and NMIs.
GPO Federal Digital System – Includes the full-text of the Budget of the U.S. Government, Catalog of U.S. Government Publications, Code of Federal Regulations, bills, laws, hearings, reports, Congressional Record, Economic Indicators, Federal Register, GAO Comptroller General Decisions, US Code, Supreme Court Decisions, U.S. Government Manual, Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, and Public Papers of the Presidents.