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GeneLab Chats with Gbolaga Olanrewaju on His Latest Publication

Welcome to “GeneLab Chats”, a series intended for succinct interviews with authors of GeneLab-enabled publications. In this focused format, GeneLab engages with researchers to gain comprehensive insights into the scope of their publications and to share the instrumental role played by the GeneLab data system or the Analysis Working Groups in facilitating their research.

The human quest for sustainable habitation of extraterrestrial environments necessitates a robust understanding of life’s adaptability to the unique conditions of spaceflight. In this edition, GeneLab had the honor of engaging with a PhD candidate Gbolaga Olanrewaju, who co-authored a research paper titled “Functional Meta-Analysis of the Proteomic Responses of Arabidopsis Seedlings to the Spaceflight Environment Reveals Multi-Dimensional Sources of Variability across Spaceflight Experiments”, using Open Science datasets OSD-38 and OSD-522. Gbolaga and team observed factors including equipment, seedling age, lighting conditions, and protein measurement methods impacted how plants responded in space. This publication stemmed from Gbolaga’s presentation of initial results at the 2023 Open Science Analysis Working Group Symposium.

GeneLab recently spoke to Gbolaga to hear about the highlights of this publication and about how the GeneLab data systems and Analysis Working Groups (AWGs) enabled this publication.

Link to Publication; Link to Datasets:  OSD-38, OSD-522; Learn more about Analysis Working Groups (AWGs); Request to Join Analysis Working Groups (AWGs)

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