Thermal Protection Materials Branch
The Thermal Protection Materials Branch is responsible for development of new and improvement of existing thermal protection materials, the methods and techniques for characterizing such materials, and the analysis and modeling required to understand the behavior of materials as well as to predict behavior and guide materials development for thermal protection systems (TPS). Thermal protection systems protect space vehicles from aerodynamic heating during entry to planet atmosphere and re-entry to earth atmosphere. The Branch combines experiment, fabrication, characterization, evaluation, analysis and modeling to support its goals. The Branch develops materials in-house and also collaborates externally to develop thermal protection materials.
Moffett Field, CA
Ames Research Center
Branch Chief
Mairead Stackpoole
Deputy Branch Chief
Josh Monk
Focus Areas and Capabilities

Design and Analysis

Testing and Fabrication

Thermal Protection System (TPS) Materials Development

Sensors for Flight and TPS Development

Computational Materials

TPSX Material Properties Database

Projects: Human Exploration and Operations

Projects: Science

Projects: Space Technology
Partnering with Us
The Thermal Protection Materials Branch fosters mutually beneficial commercial partnerships through Space Act Agreements in accordance with the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 and the Commercial Space Launch Act of 1984. Partnerships with other government agencies through Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests or interagency agreements are also fostered. Interested parties may contact the branch chief at margaret.m.stackpoole@nasa.gov.
Learn More About The Entry Systems & Technology Division