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Technology Transfer and Spinoffs News

Stay up-to-date with the latest content from Tech Transfer and Spinoffs as we explore the universe and discover more about our home planet.

Tech Today: Space Age Swimsuit Reduces Drag, Breaks Records
2 min read

SpeedoUSA worked with Langley Research Center to design a swimsuit with reduced surface drag.

Tech Today: NASA’s Moonshot Launched Commercial Fuel Cell Industry 
2 min read

Agency’s technology development prepared fuel cells for tomorrow’s renewable energy grids

Giant Batteries Deliver Renewable Energy When It’s Needed
2 min read

Solar power is abundant – when the Sun is shining. Wind power is steady – when the wind is blowing. However, creating a steady electricity supply from intermittent power sources is a challenge. NASA was focused on this problem more than…

Food Safety Program for Space Has Taken Over on Earth
2 min read

System created for Apollo astronaut food has become the global standard for hazard prevention

New Energy Source Powers Subsea Robots Indefinitely
2 min read

Power modules driven by ocean temperatures save money, reduce pollution

Tech Today: Measuring the Buzz, Hum, and Rattle
2 min read

NASA-supported wireless microphone array quickly, cheaply, and accurately maps noise from aircraft, animals, and more.

Tech Today: From Spacesuits to Racing Suits
2 min read

For spacewalks to even be possible, spacesuits need insulation and temperature controls to withstand temperature swings between 250 and minus 250 degrees Fahrenheit. This extreme environment made NASA innovators look beyond everyday materials to find something unique to keep explorers…

Tech Today: A NASA-Inspired Bike Helmet with Aerodynamics of a Jet  
2 min read

Before the U.S. Cycling Federation adopted a requirement for all bike racers to wear helmets in 1986, most people rode without one. The only helmet options at the time drew rider complaints for being too hot and heavy. But, with…

Tech Today: NASA’s Ion Thruster Knowhow Keeps Satellites Flying
2 min read

In low Earth orbit, satellites face a constant challenge – a tiny amount of atmospheric drag that, over time, causes them to slow down and decay their orbit. To combat this, spacecraft rely on in-space thrusters to adjust positioning and…

Tech Today: Stay Safe with Battery Testing for Space
2 min read

NASA battery safety exams influence commercial product testing

NASA Data Helps Beavers Build Back Streams
3 min read

Humans aren’t the only mammals working to mitigate the effects of climate change in the Western United States. People there are also enlisting the aid of nature’s most prolific engineers – beavers. Using NASA-provided grants, two open-source programs from Boise…

Tech Today: Taking Earth’s Pulse with NASA Satellites
2 min read

Natural disasters like volcanic eruptions, floods, and tornados can dramatically change the surface of Earth to the point where alterations are visible in space. Changes driven by human actions and interventions, such as mining and deforestation, are also visible in…

Tech Today: Folding NASA Experience into an Origami Toolkit 
3 min read

Math for designing lasers becomes artist’s key to creating complex crease patterns

Tech Today: Synthetic DNA Diagnoses COVID, Cancer
2 min read

NASA-funded molecular research enables better disease detection

Tech Today: Cutting the Knee Surgery Cord
2 min read

After Eugene Malinskiy saw a physician assistant trip over arthroscopic camera cords during a medical procedure, he and his brother, Ilya, set out to develop a wireless arthroscopic camera. Early in the development process, the Malinskiys got a boost from…
