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The Courage to Soar Educator Guide

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The electric motors for X-57’s Mod II vehicle and their propellers were powered up and spun together for the first time.



Grade Levels

Grades K-4, Grades 5-8


History, Mathematics, Physical Science, Flight, Timelines, Measurement and Data Analysis, Forces and Motion


Educator Guides, Lesson Plans / Activities

This integrated unit allows students to conduct scientific experiments, construct aircraft models, and read selections and research topics about aviation. The 23 lessons in this guide support national math, science, technology, geography and language arts standards. The lessons have built-in assessment opportunities. Students will build sled kites, rotor motors, foam airplanes, straw aircraft and a model X-43 glider. They will also experiment with air, gravity, lift, thrust and drag. Some activities include vocabulary lists and reading selections.
The Courage to Soar Educator Guide [11 MB PDF file]
Also available: The Courage to Soar Higher Educator Guide