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Welcome to our Find Your Place in Space Week site!

The events listed here took place in Sinoloa in April 2024. We appreciate your interest and encourage you to stay tuned for future events about space exploration, science, and technology.

Find Your Place in Space Week – Sinoloa Events

Mazatlan Eclipse Viewing Party

April 8, 2024 | 9:30 a.m.

NASA SSERVI will stream the eclipse plus public shots to NASA Spanish and English broadcasts. In addition, there will be public viewing from the beach and Vidanta beachfront event space. This will include TV streaming telescope image of the eclipse, pubic telescope viewing representatives from AEM, NASA SSERVI and Sociedad Astronomica de Mazatlan, children projects, touchable moon rocks and sun spotters included.

Learn More about Mazatlan Eclipse Viewing Party
Against a black background is a total solar eclipse. In the middle is a black circle – the Moon. Surrounding it are white streams of wispy light, streaming out into the sky.

Mazatlan Aquarium Eclipse Celebration

April 4, 2024 | 10 a.m.

Representatives from NASA SSERVI and AEM will make public presentations about the eclipse as well as Artemis and looking forward to the Moon for both NASA and AEM. SSERVI will also have telescopes for viewing the moon, touchable moon rocks, kids activities and other materials to share.

Learn More about Mazatlan Aquarium Eclipse Celebration
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