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Welcome to the resource archive for the Find Your Place in Space Week!

While these resources were designed for events that took place in April 2024, we encourage you to continue to use them and join the conversation online using #FindYourPlaceInSpace.

Find Your Place In Space Week Resources

Space Week Banner

Activity Toolkit

Space has, well, a lot of space! This week organizations across the country are coming together to help everyone see there’s a place for them in the amazing world of exploration, science, and technology.

Download PDF about Activity Toolkit

Social Media Toolkit

The White House National Space Council is organizing #FindYourPlaceinSpace Week to open the doors of the space industry to people who already love space, those who want to know more about space and those who do not know how they can be part of this industry.

Download PDF about Social Media Toolkit

Social Media Example: Highlight Why Space Matters

Extreme weather is becoming more frequent every year. Data from space is helping us track weather patterns and see what’s coming to keep communities safe and prepared. #FindYourPlaceInSpace

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Climate change social media example

Social Media Example: Explore the Benefits of Space

DYK: What we know about climate change is thanks to satellites in space? They aid in creating research and models that keep us prepared in case of a climate emergency. #FindYourPlaceInSpace

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Social Media Example: Space Tech Innovates Industries

Satellites monitor sea levels and track solar patterns; they assist with banking, and improving healthcare. Space technology keeps our lives and our world running. #FindYourPlaceInSpace

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Social Media Example: A New Way of Research

Part of understanding climate change is understanding the ocean, satellites monitor temperature, melting ice caps, and ocean health. Space tech takes a bird’s eye view to our planet and gives us the whole picture of how to keep it safe. #FindYourPlaceInSpace

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More Space Resources


Joint Chiefs of Staff


U.S. Space Force

department-of-defence-logo-2 Stem

U.S. Department of Defense


U. S. Department of Commerce

Office of the Director of National Intelligence Logo

Office of the Director of National Intelligence

U.S. Department of Homeland Security Logo

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

U.S. Department of Labor logo

U.S. Department of Labor

U.S. State Department logo

U.S. State Department

U.S. Department of Energy logo

U.S. Department of Energy

National Institute of Standards and Technology logo

National Institute of Standards and Technology

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration logo

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

U.S. Department of Agriculture logo

U.S. Department of Agriculture

U.S. Geological Survey logo

U.S. Geological Survey

16. National Science Foundation

National Science Foundation

U.S. Department of Education logo

U.S. Department of Education

The Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum logo 2

The Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum

U.S. Space Command logo

U.S. Space Command

U. S. Federal Aviation Administration logo

U.S. Federal Aviation Administration