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Knowledge Sharing and Analysis

The NASA Safety Center (NSC) provides the infrastructure and Information Technology (IT) support services to inform and empower the SMA workforce. The NSC also enables NASA centers to learn from each other’s successes and mishaps by capturing SMA knowledge and experience from across the agency, developing safety resources, and coordinating and supporting events. Additionally, the NSC provides data management, analysis and reporting to translate safety data into actionable information.

Harmony Myers, NSC Director

NSC Website

The mobile-friendly NSC website houses a wealth of data and resources for SMA practitioners and other NASA employees. Some of the NSC website resources include materials for safety campaigns, like videos, posters and handouts, best practices, case studies, Mishap Warning-Action Responses, Mishap Investigations reports and much more.
» Visit the NSC Website (NASA-Only)

Technology and Innovation

The NSC coordinates and oversees IT infrastructure and operations; develops desktop software and mobile apps, including the development and maintenance of the NASA Mishap Information System, or NMIS; the System for Tracking Audits/Assessments and Reviews, or STAR; and the Qualifications, Certifications and Requirements Database, or QCARD. It also researches and tests emerging technologies.


The NSC provides mishap and audit data analysis to identify emerging challenges and opportunities. The NSC also performs technical writing and publishes reports to share potential crosscutting and systemic issues, improve SMA practices, and reduce the risk of mishaps.