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Get Your Research On The Space Station

Reference information and resources to provide insight into sending your science experiment or technology demonstration to the space station.





Researcher Guide Series by Discipline

This series educates potential users of the space station platform on how their ground‐based experiments can be translated to the space environment. Each guide is designed to “start the conversation” of how new researchers can find opportunities as well as assistance in the proposal development process.

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Astronaut Raja Chari works on the Food Physiology experiment
Astronaut Raja Chari works on the Food Physiology experiment inside the portable glovebag.
Have a science or technology idea? Flying experiments on the International Space Station is a unique opportunity to eliminate gravity as a variable, provide exposure to vacuum and radiation, and have a clear view of the Earth and universe.
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Why Do Research On The International Space Station?

The International Space Station is a modern marvel. Only 400 kilometers (250 miles) above our heads, it streaks spectacularly across…

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NASA Research Opportunities

Supporting research in science and technology is an important part of NASA's overall mission. NASA solicits this research through the release of various research announcements in a wide range of science and technology disciplines.

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image of two astronauts observing plants from an experiment aboard the space station
NASA astronauts Jessica Watkins and Bob Hines work on XROOTS, which used the station’s Veggie facility to test liquid- and air-based techniques to grow plants rather than traditional growth media.

In Space Production Applications

NASA supports In Space Production Applications (InSPA) awards to help the selected companies raise the technological readiness level of their products and move them to market, propelling U.S. industry toward the development of a sustainable, scalable, and profitable non-NASA demand for services and products in low Earth orbit. 

Learn More About InSPA about In Space Production Applications
Astronaut Michael Hopkins conducts fiber optic research activities


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NASA astronaut Christina Koch's face seen closeup during a spacewalk with Earth in the backdrop