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Gateway Learning Resources

Discover the wonders of Gateway with this collection of educational materials.

An artist's render shows the Gateway lunar space station in near rectilinear halo orbit around the Moon. Credit: NASA

For Educators and Students

Gateway Word Search

Gateway Power and Propulsion Element Activity Book

Gateway Coloring Sheet

How to Draw Gateway

Gateway Bookmark

Artemis Coloring Sheet

You Are Going: A Story About Artemis

An illustration of three Gateway Bingo cards fanned out against a background with radiating blue stripes. Each card has a grid of words related to NASA's Gateway Program, Artemis missions, and space exploration, including terms like 'Orion,' 'Logistics Module,' 'Apollo 11,' 'Mars,' 'Space Launch System,' and 'Power & Propulsion Element.'

Gateway Bingo

Illustrated postcard featuring the text 'Greetings from Gateway, lunar space station,' styled in retro lettering. The letters 'GATEWAY' are filled with detailed depictions of the Gateway lunar space station modules, set against a starry space background. A full Moon and a reddish Mars are visible in the upper corners, emphasizing the celestial setting.

Gateway Postcard

"First Woman" Graphic Novel

Fictional astronaut Callie Rodriguez explores space as the first woman to walk on the Moon in NASA’s First Woman graphic novel series. Available in English and Spanish, the series follows Callie and her crewmates as they work together to explore the unknown, make scientific discoveries, and accomplish their mission objectives.

Read the Series about "First Woman" Graphic Novel
NASA First Woman