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Routine Payloads Environmental Assessment

November 21, 2011 – NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C., has published a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) in the Federal Register for the NASA Routine Payloads EA. This updates the original EA published in 2002 to include additional launch locations and launch vehicles, as well as update the envelope payload characteristics. The final EA (November 2011 update) and FONSI have been distributed to the libraries and locations listed in the Notice of Availability (NOA). The NOA is also being published in newspapers serving the launch sites. The 2002 EA is available in the NEPA Library on this Web site.

Click here to view the NOA

Click here to view the FONSI (original signed)

Click here to view the FONSI (Federal Register notice)

Click here to view the full text of the final Environmental Assessment

Click here for the NASA Routine Payload Checklist (Appendix C of EA). 

This EA seeks to support the routine payloads launched to support NASA Science Mission Directorate.

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