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EO 12114 Consideration: IUCN Red List

College of a polar bear, a mountain lion, and a heard of moose
Photograph of three IUCN Red List animal species

The IUCN Red list of Threatened Species is a comprehensive approach for evaluating determining the conservation status of risks of extinction of animal and plant species. The IUCN is continually expanding its data on both threatened and non-threatened species with its goal to have a comprehensive list with details on ecology, population sizes, and population distribution. 

When completing the EO 12114 checklist, it is important to ensure that any actions do not impact a threatened species. To check for endangered species by country, go to the IUCN Red List website at and in the advanced search options expand locations until you find your desired region.

Directions for the IUCN Red List page:

  1. On the search page click “Locations” located on the left-hand sidebar.
  2. For land-based missions expand the “Land Regions” criteria. For maritime missions, expand the “FAO Marine Ares” criteria.
  3. After expanding the criteria, find the region in which the mission will be performed on the list of further criteria.
  4. Expand that region.
  5. Select the countries that the mission will take place in.
  6. Select refine. View results.
  7. To filter taxa by habitat, select “Habitat” and choose the habitat which closely resembles the mission area.
  8. To filter taxa by threat level, select “Assessments” and deselect threat levels.