Q: I have an idea, technology or would like to co-develop/partner, how do I collaborate with Human Health and Performance?
A: Visit our Doing Business with Us page for pathways to collaborate with us.
Q: Where can I locate employment opportunities?
A: Jobs can be searched through nasajobs.nasa.gov, www.usajobs.gov or through one of our many contractors and subcontractors.
Q: Where can I locate student opportunities?
A: Visit our comprehensive Education and Outreach page for internships, clerkships and other student opportunities.
Q: How can I obtain media footage related to Human Health and Performance?
A: See Media Contact below to contact our Public Affairs Officer
Q: What do I do if I want to contact someone within Human Health and Performance for an interview?
A: See Media Contact below to contact our Public Affairs Officer
Q: Where can I find information on Space Food and what astronauts eat?
A: Visit our Space Food Systems page for information and links to videos regarding food, nutrition and packaging.
HH&P Media Contact
For interviews or other media inquiries, please contact
Shaneequa Vereen
NASA Johnson Space Center
(281) 792-7441
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