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Vertical Spin Tunnel Facility Benefits

Photo showing the NACA 20-Foot free-spinning wind tunnel as well as the NACA 12-foot free-flight wind tunnel.
The large structure shown to the left of the photograph is the free-spinning wind tunnel in which dynamic scale models of modern airplanes are tested to determine their spinning characteristics and ability to recover from spins from movement of the control surfaces. From the information obtained in this manner the spin recovery characteristics of the full-scale airplane may be predicted. The large sphere on the right is 60 feet in diameter and houses the NACA 12-foot free-flight wind tunnel in which dynamic scale models of airplanes are flown in actual controlled flight to provide information from which the stability characteristics of the full-scale airplane may be predicted.

Facility Benefits
Facility Applications
Data Acquisition

Facility Benefits

  • A variety of miscellaneous instruments, including hand-held anemometers, force gauges, electronic levels, and digital volt meters are available to users
  • Direct observation of tests is available through panoramic control room windows
  • Recording views of models and the test section during tunnel operation is possible using in situ S-VHS or digital video cameras, time-code generators, and recording media

20-Foot Vertical Spin Tunnel Fact Sheet

Subsonic Facilities



Last Updated
Jun 28, 2024
Lillian Gipson