Benefits to You Articles and News Releases
Stay up-to-date with the latest content from NASA as our exploration of the universe and our home planet benefits all of us.
United States embassies and consulates, along with American citizens traveling and living abroad, now have a powerful tool to protect…
Moon dust, or regolith, isn’t like the particles on Earth that collect on bookshelves or tabletops – it’s abrasive and…
Efforts to 3D print engines produce significant savings in rocketry and beyond
NASA tech adds gecko grip to phone accessory
SpeedoUSA worked with Langley Research Center to design a swimsuit with reduced surface drag.
Agency’s technology development prepared fuel cells for tomorrow’s renewable energy grids
Solar power is abundant – when the Sun is shining. Wind power is steady – when the wind is blowing. However,…
System created for Apollo astronaut food has become the global standard for hazard prevention
Power modules driven by ocean temperatures save money, reduce pollution