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National Academy BPS decadal coverEnsuring the Future of Biological and Physical Sciences Research: A Decadal Survey for 2023-2032
Link to the Decadal Survey

Biological and Physical Sciences Decadal Linkages

Adapting to Space:

  • KSQ #1: How does the space environment influence biological mechanisms required for organisms to survive the transitions to and from space, and thrive while off Earth?
  • KSQ #3: How does the space environment alter interactions between organisms?

Living and Traveling in Space

  • KSQ #1: What are the important multi-generational effects of the space environment on growth, development, and reproduction?

Probing Phenomena Hidden by Gravity or Terrestrial Limitations

  • KSQ #1: What are the mechanisms by which organisms sense and respond to physical properties of surroundings, and to applied mechanical forces including gravitational force?

SpinSat can directly address the #1 science question in each of the three themes