Space Science and
Astrobiology at Ames
The Space Science and Astrobiology Division provides science leadership and stewardship that enhances and enables the NASA community to make new scientific and technical discoveries, thus assuring the success of NASA’s strategic goals and space missions.
Astrobiology at Ames
meet the Space science and astrobiology division management team
Explore Our Universe
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Research in astrophysics, astrochemistry, quantum chemistry, star and planet formation, galaxy formation, and exoplanet imaging technologies to support NASA missions.

Planetary Systems
Research on the origins of stars and planetary systems, their evolution and formation, their environment, and the interdisciplinary area of astrobiology.

Research to understand pre-biotic chemistry and the origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the Universe.
About Us
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How We Work
Learn how we accomplish our research in Space Science and Astrobiology.
Research Teams
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News, Features, and Publications
Explore Space Science and Astrobiology at Ames:

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Science Nuggets
Bite-sized, single-page summaries of recent science results, mission highlights, and outreach activities.
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