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Photo of Scott Sanford (left) with the OSIRIS-REx Sample Return

Space Science and
Astrobiology at Ames

The Space Science and Astrobiology Division provides science leadership and stewardship that enhances and enables the NASA community to make new scientific and technical discoveries, thus assuring the success of NASA’s strategic goals and space missions.

Overview about Space Science and
Astrobiology at Ames

Space Science Updates and People

Explore the staff and work of the Space Science Division:

Picture of Christine Martinez and Naseem Rangwala

Who Are We

Learn about the Staff in Space Science and Astrobiology

What We Do

Learn about what we work in Space Science and Astrobiology

LADEE Fires Thrusters Artist's Concept

How We Work

Learn how we accomplish our research in Space Science and Astrobiology

Research Teams

Explore the various interdisciplinary Research Teams at Ames

Space Science Features

Explore Space Science and Astrobiology at Ames:

Scientist Interviews

Learn about the experiences of the scientists of Ames


View current and past publications done by our people in Space Science and Astrobiology

Interesting Facts ST

Interesting Fact

Behavior of Liquids in Space

Science Nuggets

Nuggets are bite-sized, single-page summaries of recent science results, mission highlights, and outreach activities