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Aerial view of the Space Environments Complex at NASA's Armstrong Test Facility

Located at NASA’s Armstrong Test Facility, an hour’s drive west of Glenn Research Center, the Space Environments Complex is home to four space-dedicated testing facilities.

Located at the Armstrong Test Facility, about an hour’s drive west of NASA Glenn Research Center, the Space Environments Complex (SEC) is home to four space-dedicated testing laboratories that assess stresses during liftoff, flight and extended missions from vibration and sound, electromagnetic radiation, and the general impacts of continued exposure to a hard vacuum.

  • The SEC’s Space Simulation Vacuum Chamber is the world’s largest, and features all-aluminum construction, including a removable, reconfigurable cryo-shroud for background heating and cooling.
  • The Reverberant Acoustic Test Facility is a spacecraft acoustic test chamber that can simulate the noise of a launch up to 163 decibels: as loud as the thrust of 20 jet engines.
  • The Mechanical Vibration Facility is a dedicated spacecraft-shaker system, subjecting test articles to the rigorous conditions of launch.
  • The Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility (EMI/EMC) Test Facility is the world’s largest, capable of hosting a wide range of full-scale inter-system and intra-system electromagnetic tests.

Read more about the Space Environments Complex at Armstrong Test Facility.

To arrange testing in this facility, please contact John Zang or email