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3.0      NASA Program/Project Life Cycle
3.1      Program Formulation
3.2      Program Implementation
3.3      Project Pre-Phase A: Concept Studies
3.4      Project Phase A: Concept and Technology Development
3.5      Project Phase B: Preliminary Design and Technology Completion
3.6      Project Phase C: Final Design and Fabrication
3.7      Project Phase D: System Assembly, Integration and Test, Launch
3.8      Project Phase E: Operations and Sustainment    
3.9      Project Phase F: Closeout
3.10    Funding: The Budget Cycle
3.11    Tailoring and Customization of NPR 7123.1 Requirements

During the program Implementation phase, the PM works with the Mission Directorate Associate Administrator (MDAA) and the constituent project managers to execute the program plan cost-effectively. Program reviews ensure that the program continues to contribute to Agency and mission directorate goals and objectives within funding constraints. A summary of the required gate products for the program Implementation Phase can be found in the governing NASA directive; e.g., NPR 7120.5 for space flight programs. The program life cycle has two different implementation paths, depending on program type. Each implementation path has different types of major reviews. It is important for the systems engineer to know what type of program a project falls under so that the appropriate scope of the technical work, documentation requirements, and set of reviews can be determined.

Space Flight Program Implementation

To execute the program and constituent projects and ensure that the program continues to contribute to Agency goals and objectives within funding constraints

Typical Activities and Their Products

  • Initiate projects through direct assignment or competitive process (e.g., Request for Proposal [RFP], Announcement of Opportunity [AO])
  • Monitor project’s formulation, approval, implementation, integration, operation, and ultimate decommissioning
  • Adjust program as resources and requirements change
  • Perform required program Implementation technical activities from NPR 7120.5
  • Satisfy program Implementation reviews’ entrance/success criteria from NPR 7123.1


  • PSR/PIR (uncoupled and loosely coupled programs only)
  • Reviews synonymous (not duplicative) with the project reviews in the project life cycle (see figure 3.0-4) through Phase D (single-project and tightly coupled programs only)